Water, Wood and Stone by Zdenka
Fanwork Notes
Written for Gen Fic Swap 2014. Thanks to Hyarrowen for beta-reading.
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Founded in 2005, the Silmarillion Writers' Guild exists for discussions of and creative fanworks based on J.R.R. Tolkien's The Silmarillion and related texts. We are a positive-focused and open-minded space that welcomes fans from all over the world and with all levels of experience with Tolkien's works. Whether you are picking up Tolkien's books for the first time or have been a fan for decades, we welcome you to join us!
Fanwork sign-ups are open!
Registration opens March 15.
Mereth Aderthad Interview: Interview with Shadow by Himring
Himring interviewed Shadow about their upcoming presentation for Mereth Aderthad, "The Aromantic in Tolkien," and their inspiration for pursuing this topic that is rarely covered in Tolkien scholarship.
Mereth Aderthad Interview: Interview with Stella Getreuer-Kostrouch by Quente
Quente discusses Stella's upcoming Mereth Aderthad presentation "Cherished antagonist, despised protagonist – a defence of Elu Thingol," her connection to this character, and what it takes to rescue a character from fandom disdain.
Mereth Aderthad Interview: Interview with Acha Rezak (Quente) by Shadow
Shadow discusses Acha's upcoming Mereth Adethad presentation "Mythmakers vs. the made myths: Exploring a reader’s levels of religious alienation and connection in works about and by J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis" and her reading of Tolkien's books as inclusive of all religions.
Fanworks Sign-Ups for Mereth Aderthad Now Open!
Sign up to create a fanwork for the Mereth Aderthad live event or for the event fanzine or both! The program for meta and scholarship has been posted on our website. Registration will open March 15.
[Reference] Interview with Shadow by Himring by daughterofshadows, Himring
Aromanticism is a topic not often covered in Tolkien scholarship, but many Tolkien characters can be read as aromantic. In this interview, Himring talks with Shadow about their upcoming Mereth Aderthad presentation "The Aromantic in Tolkien."
[Writing] Geese and a Violet by Himring
Two survivors finally get together, with a bit of help from Elrond.
[Writing] Clear Pebbles of the Rain by StarSpray
But at the very end of the letter she spoke of one more prisoner that Elladan and Elrohir had discovered in one of the deepest dungeons of Dol Guldur, locked away behind a door unopened in so long that the hinges had rusted.
Maglor has been rescued from Dol Guldur, and now faces…
[Writing] The Seven Gates by Laerthel
The impossible happened – a Silmaril has been stolen from Morgoth’s crown. Maedhros decides to reunite the People of Beleriand against the Enemy and attack him while he is still unprepared (which is by no means less impossible). Meanwhile, in the hidden city of Gondolin, Lord…
[Artwork] Connection Forged (B2MEM 2025) by Kaylee Arafinwiel
In a mostly-starless void, the Star of Earendil is shown glowing within reach of a silver full Moon with the last flower of Telperion upon it. Drawn using MS Paint. A poem called "Connection" is also shown:
As Earendil
rises for the first
He sees Tilion
[Link Collection] Tolkien Connections by Various Creators
If you love The New York Times' game Connections, this collection includes Tolkien-themed Connections games featured in our newsletter.
Dark Matter
Create a fanwork using anti-prompts: prompts that don't appear in your fanwork. Read more ...
Woman's Sceptre
Create a fanwork using a quote from a woman who has advanced the cause of women's rights or participation of women in the arts. Read more ...
Interview with Shadow by Himring by daughterofshadows, Himring
Aromanticism is a topic not often covered in Tolkien scholarship, but many Tolkien characters can be read as aromantic. In this interview, Himring talks with Shadow about their upcoming Mereth Aderthad presentation "The Aromantic in Tolkien."
Interview with Stella Getreuer-Kostrouch by Quente by Stella Getreuer-Kostrouch, Quente
Stella Getreuer-Kostrouch has always felt deeply connected to the character of Elu Thingol. In this interview, Quente asks about this connection and how Stella sees Thingol as unjustly treated by many in the fandom.
Interview with Acha Rezak (Quente) by Shadow by Acha Rezak (Quente), daughterofshadows
Shadow spoke to Acha Rezak about her upcoming presentation for Mereth Aderthad, which reads Tolkien less as a Catholic Christian work and more as a world inclusive of many religions, especially in its focus on nature and landscapes
Part of our Themed Collection series for our newsletter, this collection features fiction, artwork, and essays that transcend the idea of Orcs as the enemy, instead considering their humanity.
Alliterative Verse for Arda by Rhunedhel
Part of our Themed Collection series for our newsletter, this collection features alliterative poems about Middle-earth.
[Writing] Paradox of the Fourth Age by Alassante
One wrong decision can make a world of difference. When one of the Fellowship makes the mistake, the consequences are so severe that only the Valar can repair it. But will they?
Glorfindel daughter's life is in Elrohir's hands and only she remembers th eir love for each other. The fate of…
[Writing] By Mirrormere by bunn
A new Age dawns, and Moria is retaken at last.
[Writing] Beneath the Bitter Rain by bunn
The Gardens of the Entwives are fallen, but two Entwives remain.
Teitho March/April Challenge: Mothers
The Teitho Contest theme for the months of March and April is mothers.
March Challenge at tolkienshortfanworks
The challenge for March has been posted to the tolkienshortfanworks community on Dreamwidth. New participants welcome.
March of the Quendi 2025
March of the Quendi is a month-long Tumblr event to celebrate the long walk the Elves took from their home on the shores of Cuiviénen, across great and unknown lands, to the blessed realm of Aman with optional weekly Great Journey-themed prompts.
March 2025 Calls for Papers and Proposals
Calls for papers and conference proposals that are open during the month of March.
B2MeM 2025: Basketball Championship
B2MeM 2025 will feature a brackets-stye fanworks creation competition for teams and individual creators.
Written for Gen Fic Swap 2014. Thanks to Hyarrowen for beta-reading.
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Logo © Bunn
All copyrights for creative work hosted on this site are retained by their creators.
This site is built using Drupal and the theme W3CSS.
Characters and stories associated with J.R.R. Tolkien's works remain the property of his estate. Creative work using this material has been written solely for the enjoyment and enlightenment of its creator and their associates. No profit is made on the materials shared on this site.
Comments on Water, Wood and Stone
The Silmarillion Writers' Guild is more than just an archive--we are a community! If you enjoy a fanwork or enjoy a creator's work, please consider letting them know in a comment.