Drabbles: The Silmarillion, part 2 by Zdenka

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Nienor loses; Níniel finds. (Nellas/Nienor)

Facing the dragon’s malevolent gaze, Nienor fights to hold each memory: her mother, standing tall and proud; Nellas, her hands twined in Nienor’s hair as they lie among the flowers; her very name. But they are torn away one by one, and she falls into darkness.

Níniel loves the wildflowers of Brethil. There is one that delights her especially, a low-growing plant with purple flowers. The flowers are another thing she lost and has found again; why then should they make her sad? But when the women of Brethil teach her their names, she weeps and does not know why.

Chapter End Notes

Written for Tolkien Femslash Week Bingo, for the prompt:

Language of Flowers: Lobelia: Malevolence (B9)

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