Drabbles: The Silmarillion, part 2 by Zdenka

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Blood in the Snow

Curufin is dying in the woods of Doriath. (Warning for canonical character death, blood.)

They have carried him outside on an improvised litter. The air is chill, and a dusting of snow drifts down from the evergreen boughs above.

Curufin raises his hand, trying to grasp for something, but he is distracted by the blood on his fingers, where he was pressing them against his side.

He does not fear death; but to die with the Oath unfulfilled-- A shudder runs through him.

“We will find it, father,” he whispers. “We will find them, I swear it.”

He lets his hand fall, seeing where droplets of blood scatter, bright as jewels in the snow.

Chapter End Notes

Written for the December 2016 challenge at the drabblechalleng community on LJ. The prompt was this image (a photograph of a bright red ball-shaped ornament hanging from a snow-covered evergreen, with snow in the background).

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