Drabbles: The Silmarillion, part 2 by Zdenka

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Morgoth's Harvest

After Nirnaeth Arnoediad. (Húrin, Morgoth, Orcs. Warning for character death, aftermath of battle violence, and desecration of corpses.)

They have bound Húrin fast to a tree. He watches the Orcs labor like ants, hauling the bodies of the slain into a great heap. The heads are piled to one side, their hair yellow as corn--a terrible harvest.

An Orc holds up one head by the hair. The face and beard are streaked with blood, the eyes open and staring.

“Is this thy brother?” Morgoth asks disdainfully. “There are so many.”

It is his cousin Indor, Aerin’s father. Húrin feels his heart burn within him. He remains grimly silent; it is all he can give the dead now.

Chapter End Notes

Written for tolkien_weekly, for the prompt: "Signs of Autumn: harvest"

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