The Ties that Bind by Hoglorfen

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Welcome To My...

”Does this mean that we are going bathing?” Whindaër asked as they followed a winding passage deeper into the stone.
”Aye,” Graznikh replied. Among other things, my little Elf. The thundering of the waterfall slowly faded as they moved deeper into the mountain, turning this way and that. Here, darkness reigned and the only light was that of the flickering torch that Graznikh carried. At some places, the passage was so narrow that they could not go upright.
Whindaër began gasping for air. ”I cannot go on, the walls are closing in!”
Graznikh turned with a sigh. ”For the third time, nar! they're not. Don't lose yer wits now, we're almost there.”
”But... where are we going?”
”You'll see. Don't worry, I think you'll like it.” Suddenly the walls fell away to either side as the passage opened up into a cavern. It was not very big; Whindaër thought that three or four of her could reach the ceiling if they stood on each others' shoulders in the middle of the cavern. But the size was not what made her gasp as Graznikh lifted the torch. The walls and ceiling were covered with small, multihued crystals that reflected the torchlight into a cascade of colours. At the far end was a large, shallow basin full of clear steaming water where the stalagmites had joined to form a slick smooth edge all around. Water trickled down the far wall which looked like it was made of molten, yellow beeswax. It was a bathroom fit for a dwarven king.

Graznikh grinned as he watched her admire the room. But the genuine heartfelt smile she gave him as she met his gaze almost made him drop the torch. For a moment, he lost himself in those shining eyes and his grin became a smile. Then he shook his head to clear it of the strange fuzzy feeling.
”Welcome to my secret spot, my little hideaway.”
”It is amazing! Thank you so much for showing me this place.”
Graznikh chuckled, not really knowing what to answer. ”Aye, I go here whenever I wanna see stars that doesn't sting my eyes.”
Whindaër looked surprised. ”Do they truly hurt you?”
”Aye, why wouldn't they?”
She looked down. ”I always believed it was only a story. An allegory for the corruption of the Orcs.”
”I've no idea what you just said. But yes, stars sting. Sun burns, moon freezes. Your eyes aren't too bad though, despite the stars.”
Whindaër stood in the middle of the cavern trying to comprehend the chasm between them as Graznikh placed the torch in a holder near the entrance. What did he just say?
Then he began stripping. Whindaër let out a squeak and turned away. He glanced at her over his shoulder. ”You're not gonna wash?”
”Well, ya won't be able to do it with that thing on.”
”I had hoped... for some privacy.”
Graznikh walked up to her, not close enough to touch but close enough that she could feel the heat radiating from his naked body. ”That thing is almost see-through anyway. And considering last night, I woulda thought we were done with privacy.”
He placed a clawed finger beneath each strap of the slip and pushed them off her shoulders. She quickly wrapped her arms around her chest to keep it from sliding all the way down. Graznikh laughed softly and turned her around. Her head snapped up and he grinned while pulling her arms away. ”Keep struggling and I'll tear it off instead.” Soon they were both naked.
”Funny; ya weren't this unwilling last night. We were both naked then too, or near enough.”
”Y-you had me tied to the bed...”
”Oh, that's right. I forgot. Should I get the ribbons?”
”Then get in the bath! I'd wager we both need a good scrubbing.”

Whindaër gingerly stepped over to the basin and dipped a toe in the steaming water while Graznikh fetched soap and cloths. It was hot, but not uncomfortably so. ”How can this water be warm? I see no fire.”
”There's fire deep beneath the earth or so I've heard, below the roots of every mountain. Sometimes it pours up, liquid fire and molten rock, like in Burzdur. There's also water there, rivers and lakes and even entire oceans. And when the fire and water end up too close, the heat pushes the boiling water up to the surface. There are places in Burzdur where huge plumes of steam shoot up high in the air, so regular that you can arrange your night after them. And sometimes it's like this little pool here, nice and steamy and a lovely way to relax.” He grinned at her amazed expression. ”Elves aren't the only ones who know shit about the world.” Graznikh slid into the pool with a pleased grunt. ”Skai, sha! this is just what I needed.” Whindaër followed suit, letting out a sigh as the hot water engulfed her.
”What is that word you said? Bur...”
”Burzdur? I think the tarks call it 'More-door' or something like that. It's the Black Land in the east, a place full of smoke and black rocks and a big fire-spewing mountain.”
”Orodruin,” Whindaër whispered.
”It means the fiery-red mountain. I read it on a map once.”
”I don't get all this reading and writing stuff. You Elves and the tarks both seem completely obsessed with it. Why?”
”It is a way to collect and keep knowledge that otherwise would be forgotten, and a way to speak to others over time and vast distances.”
”If you can't keep it in your head, what's the point? And it only helps if those who find it knows how to read, and the same tongue as the one writing it.”
Whindaër fell silent, and a mischievous grin spread over Graznikh's face. ”Clever gal, not offering to teach me how to read. You woulda given me an excuse to keep ya 'til I learned.” He leaned closer and lowered his voice to a whisper. ”And you know I'd just keep stalling so I could fuck ya some more.”

Whindaër quickly turned away and took the soap to avoid the Orc's hungry eyes. She heard the water move just before a pair of big hands landed on her shoulders from behind.
”There it is. Been lookin' for the soap.” Whindaër tried to give it to him, but Graznikh shook his head and pushed it back towards her. ”Nar, take your time. I can wait.” He leaned over her shoulder to get a better view as she spread the soap with her hands, making little grunts of pleasure as he watched her slide them over her breasts and lower belly. He took the soap the moment she put it away, soaped his hands up and began washing her back. Of course his hands didn't stay there. Soon they were straying all over her body, forcing little whimpers and gasps from her. He grabbed her shoulder, spun her around, pushed her up against one of the larger stalagmites and knelt before her. The basin floor was slippery and slanting and she almost fell, but Graznikh caught her and let her slide down into his lap. Now she was half-sitting with her back against the basin's edge and her legs on each side of the leering Orc's hips. He wiggled two fingers at her.
”Wanna see if these can work their magic this time too?”
”Please no,” she whimpered and tried to pull away as he began caressing one of her eartips.
”Easy now, I know you're eager but there's no need to hurry, is there? We've got time, let's take things nice and slow.” Soapy fingers slid down her neck and circled one of her breasts.
”What's this?” His fingers stopped on the side of her chest. ”D'ya have a little butterfly in there, or is that your heart?” He bent down over her with that mad grin that brought Whindaër back to the moment when he had first caught her. ”Such a little thing... and it's flutterin' all for me, isn't it?”

Whindaër gritted her teeth and tried to strengthen her resolve. I do not wish to die, she thought. "Focus! You have this one chance. Let it waver even once, and your hand will slip and the line will be off.” Remembering her beloved uncle's voice from during one of the many lessons in tengwar calligraphy during a moment like this felt twisted and depraved, but it helped. ”But an Elf that wants to live, she'll go through no matter what torture she suffers.” I want to live, Whindaër decided. I will live. I want this! she added with force as she felt her fëa shudder as his fingers slipped further down. I want this! I want him!
Graznikh studied the Elf's closed but fluttering eyelashes as he rubbed her sensitive spot. Something was going on behind them, and he couldn't tell whether it was because of him or something else. Whindaër moaned and wriggled a little, but the slick surface behind her and their soaped-up bodies only served to make her slide further and further down. The tip of something hot and hard pressed against her, and her eyes opened wide. Now it was Graznikh's time to freeze, his breath caught in his throat.
”Go on,” came the ragged whisper as he stared at her with a dangerous look in his eyes. ”Go on strugglin'. You'd be doing this all by yourself, I wouldn't be lifting a finger to cause it.” He groaned as she moved slightly and chuckled hoarsely when she stopped with a squeak. ”There's no escape now. All mine...”
While she held perfectly still to not slide further down, Graznikh assaulted her body with his hands. He fingered her with one hand and teased her breasts with the other, nibbling and licking her neck and ears. Every now and then, he moved his hips a little to coax her further down; she did not seem to notice because of the distraction but he could feel himself inch deeper and deeper inside her. Holding back was agony.

Whindaër tried to stay silent, because every traitorous moan and gasp echoed in the cavern. She inevitably began to lose it the same way she had the night before, dragged down into darkness as surely as he had dragged her down here. Orcs were evil and depraved, their only joy came from the pain and tormenting of others, thus said the Wise. But now an Orc was causing her pleasure such as she had never before experienced, and how was this even possible? Her hands wandered, searching desperately for something real to hold on to, and found his shoulders as she hit the peak. She cried out and dug her nails into his skin as the climax washed over her. She could feel him tremble as he growled, but there was no threat in that sound, only dammed-up need and want. Her lips moved on their own, forming words she could not bear to speak aloud. He seemed to hear them anyway, because his head suddenly snapped up.

It took all he had to not take her then and there. But if it wasn't his lust-addled brain playing tricks on him, if he had heard things right, there was no reason to hold back anymore. It was an exercise in sheer self-restraint, but he pushed her away and scrambled out of the basin. After taking the towels he had brought and throwing them out on the cavern floor to make it at least a little comfortable, he grabbed Whindaër's arm and pulled the breathless Elf out of the water. Upon seeing his hard cock she blanched. He dropped her into sitting position on the makeshift mattress and lifted her chin so that she met his eyes, cock bobbing right in front of her face.
”Don't be silly,” he said. ”You've had it halfway in already and ya didn't even notice. Besides,” he groaned as he knelt and pulled her into his arms, ”you gave me free reins just a moment ago, remember?”
Whindaër stared. Had she? He began to finger her again and suddenly she did not care what she had said. Then he flipped her over, parted her legs with his knees and pinned her to the ground with his own body before she had time to resist. He gave her a few quick strokes with his fingers to distract her a little while he prodded, ignoring her weak protests. Soon he found the right spot and buried his dick with one slow thrust.

There was nothing else, no escape, nothing but their bodies and the intensity that joined them. Her fëa screamed in agony but her hroa screamed in ecstasy as he impaled her. The sheer need to have more, feel more, chained her fëa to her self with the black chains of Morgoth just as her body was pinned to the ground by His spawn. Graznikh began thrusting slowly, once, twice, thrice. Then he couldn't hold back any longer and proceeded to fuck her like a proper Orc.
”Gur-ub opakarkat lat gundurz, âmbal mik golug,” he growled. ”Gur-ub thrakat latob drau-ûk agh krimpat lat za burzum-ishi. Bugdat, mik golug, Bugdat gurb um... Lat ti gurb!”
She cried out, and Graznikh laughed inbetween the gasps. It did not matter that she could not understand, he was not going to let her forget who and what brought her to this point.
”D'ya remember my name, little Elf?” he rumbled. ”Hmm?” Whindaër nodded absently. ”Then say it.”
”Nar, that's not right. Say my name.” She tried again and gave him a tortured look as another hard thrust brought her beyond speaking. She clenched her fists and Graznikh could feel her body tensing underneath him.
”Say it, say my name,” he murmured into her ear.
”Gh- gh- aahhh...”
”Say it Win-daar, please...”
”Grahh... znikh...”
”Sha, louder!”
Her eyes widened as she reached the top of the wave of pleasure, balancing on the edge of the abyss...

Graznikh bellowed as she came, a triumphant sound that amplified and bounced off the cavern walls. Moments later, his claws scraped against the stone floor as he came as well, bucking hard and pressing his fangs against her cheek.
”Win-daar...” he breathed as their spasms died down. This was SO worth all the hassle, he thought. He still had energy left for more but decided against it. Better go easy on her this time.
Whindaër was beyond any kind of rational thought; her body felt spent and there was nothing to run from anymore, nothing... A final tremor ran through her and she slowly drifted away to the sound of the Orc's satisfied purring.

Chapter End Notes

Gur-ub thrakat latob drau-ûk agh krimpat lat za burzum-ishi. Bugdat, mik golug, Bugdat gurb um... Lat ti gurb! - I will fuck you hard, sweet little high-elf. I will take all your light and bind you in the darkness. Scream, little high-elf, scream my name... You are mine!

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