Drinking Games by feanorusrex

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Chapter 1

"Is this true?" Questioned Andreth, setting a large archaic volume on the table and turning it towards Aegnor.

"Can elves really imbibe as much alcohol as you wish and suffer no ill effects?"

He looked at the page, and saw a scholarly text saying something to this extent. It was evening and he was visiting Andreth, as he did so often.

"I do not think so…our race can be affected by posions, so I would guess that spirits could affect us, but perhaps to a lesser extent." Of course this would interest her, there is little in the world that did not.

"Oh," Andreth looked disappointed not to receive a definite answer. But then her face brightened. "Shall we test it?"

"You are suggesting that I consume a large quantity spirits, in order to prove a point?"

"Aegnor, my friend, of course not," Andreth looked at him shocked. "I am suggesting that we both consume a large quantity of spirits, in order to test a point."

"That is the most idiotic-"

"We can make it a game of sorts. To see which one of us possesses more stamina in this area."

Aegnor saw that she was determined, and it was an interesting question. Why not? His abilities in this particular area have never been tested. "What would the victor of this contest gain?"

"The defeated must do what the victor requests," Andreth replied. She was winning him over.

And, lured by this prospect, and in the pursuit of knowledge, they drank.

He expected to seem some change in her as they continued on, some of the usual symptoms of intoxication, but Andreth continued to seem quite lucid. She did not taunt him, as was customary in mortals' drinking contests. She poured and drank, with her face gravely serious.

"Who taught you to drink thus?"

"I have older brothers," she replied.

Aegnor saw that she meant to win, and, as she continued to empty her cup with no sign of stopping, that he had underestimated her. Immortal, and stronger in body he might have been, yet he had never participated in such games.

He could not remember consuming such great quantity of spirits in any time previous. Elves did not drink for the intoxicating effects, nor did they possess the reckless urge of men to imbibe potent liquids in shows of strength or masculinity.

Aegnor felt the wine coursing through his veins, numbing his reflexes, and his mind, and even his sharp sight. As he poured from the much lighter bottle, again- how many drinks had it been?- His vision momentarily split itself, and he saw two hands holding two bottles.

"I concede," he said, placing the bottle down. His mind was no longer wholly under his control, and the effect was disorienting and terrifying. Aegnor did not wish it to continue, no matter if he must concede, he did not care.

"What would you have me do?"

Now Andreth smiled, and her eyes flashed with victory.

"Kiss me," she said, placing her mug on the table, triumphantly. "I have oft wondered what it would be like to kiss an elf."

"What?" he cannot have heard her correctly. Are auditory hallucinations part of drunkenness? She repeated her command. It was the same.

A surprising command, but not a terrible one. Aegnor thought. He too had wondered what it would be like to kiss a mortal, although not in a general sense, he had wondered about her specifically.

Of course Aegnor had not allowed himself to dwell on these thoughts, dismissing them as idle fancy. But now, intoxicated, his mind is not as strict as he would like, and with her grinning at him, he wondered again.

"Oh," Andreth clarified, rolling her eyes, "not because I fancy you, I certainly do not, but who can say when I will next have an elf completely at my bidding?"

It still surprised him that to humans a kiss could mean so little, only a reward given to the victor of a contest. Another difference between their races: her kind gave their kisses- and so much more- to each other so easily.

"Wait-you are not married, are you?" Andreth asked.

Aegnor shook his head. This action, combined with standing up, which he did a moment later, caused him to feel as though his mind had detached itself from his body and was floating around the room. Mortals got drunk voluntarily, for enjoyment?

"Good," said Andreth, and he wondered if she meant good that he was not married so they could kiss or whether she was glad he was not married in a more general sense because she...He could not think clearly. Aegnor took a steadying breath, gripping the edge of the table for support, and his mind ceased its flight.

Andreth was standing as well, looking amazingly sober. She stepped towards him. "Well, my conquered, vanquished, defeated-"

"Yes, I take you meaning," he interrupted, knowing that she would never let him forget his loss. "Now be quiet if you wish me to do as you requested."

Andreth smirked up at him- but silently.

Resignedly, Aegnor leaned down and kissed tasted like wine, but not unpleasantly so, and he felt- something that he feared to name, doubtless it was intoxication and nothing more.

He pulled away- and nothing more.

"You have very lovely bone structure," stated Andreth. "Truly, it is almost sickening how attractive your face is." Her face was flushed, and the way she gazed at him, perhaps she was inebriated too, or perhaps-

But his trail of thought was cut short- as Andreth attempted to sit down again, but missed her chair, and slid onto the floor, and Aegnor helped her to stand, ignoring her protests that the floor was not too uncomfortable and that she would just stay here.

He left shortly there after, walking more or less in a straight line, finding his dwelling eventually, and falling asleep instantly.

In times previous, Aegnor had held nothing but respect for Arien, but the next morning, as her light streamed through his window- bright, too harshly bright- and he cursed the sun maiden bitterly.

It seemed that Andreth's book had been egregiously incorrect.

Besides the horrible light, his head and stomach ached. These must be headache and nausea so oft complained of by mortals; he had sympathized with them before, but he had never thought that he could experience these afflictions himself.

Mandos, he begged silently. Forgive me my folly. Receive my soul, take me from this tortured existence.

And then, through pain, and the thirst- he had drunk so much, how can he possibly feel thirsty?- one thought pierced through Aegnor's aching mind. Andreth's words the previous night: You have very lovely bone structure.

Lovely bone structure. He grinned.

Chapter End Notes

Please leave me a review! I'm not quite sure how I feel about this story. 

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