Drinking Games by feanorusrex

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Chapter 2

So comrades mine, I’m a sneaky author, because sometimes I say that a story is done and then I write more of it and it’s a glorious surprise!

Andreth too woke up in pain. After this contest both parties would have asserted that theirs was the greater suffering. Aegnor, because he had had no previous experience with the after effects of alcohol, and Andreth simply because, though she had participated-and mostly won drinking contests before- she could not remember feeling this terrible in well, ever.

She was in her bed, which she could not even remember laying down in the previous night. Ow, her mind whispered quietly. She vaguely remembered talking with, then drinking with Aegnor. She vividly remembered kissing him. For a moment she forgot her pain, as she let her mind drift back to this incident. It had been a very nice kiss and she imagined what it would be like if he had kissed her of his own volition and for more than a moment…

Andreth rolled over in bed. Stop, she ordered herself. She was way too hungover, and it was far too late in the day for her to be imagining this. But despite what she had told Aegnor last night, she did fancy him. Not in some doom filled, star crossed elf and human way, not with dieing or sacrificing immortality for the other person, she just found Aegnor exceptionally attractive, and would not mind kissing him again, for several hours perhaps.

She remembered how to move her legs, and got up. The bed sheets were tangled around her body and she almost fell onto the floor, for the second time in twenty four hours. While she might have excellent alcohol tolerance, she did not handle its aftereffects well.

At least she got her kiss, although that had not been her original intent. She had only wanted to win, and she would never have made that request while sober. Cringing, she remembered what she had said after. While it was true, he did have a beautiful face- indeed, the first time that she saw Aegnor, Andreth had fleetingly thought that she would follow him to the ends of the earth, then she realized that to do that would have represented the kind of rash lovesick decision making that she had oft derided, and decided that she would walk next to, or slightly in front of, him to the ends of the earth, should there be a convincing reason to do so- but still she was appalled that she would have voiced her thought out loud. 

She walked into her kitchen, with the intent to make herself breakfast, deciding to choose hunger over the residual nausea she felt. The first thing that caught her eye was the book containing the information she and Aegnor had proved false last night. Andreth resolved to correct it later, adding their findings in the margin, although she will not mention either of their names. She would prefer to be remembered for being wise, Saelind, as some already name her, than for her drinking stamina. 

Their findings were not much, with only one test subject, and one kind of spirit, taken in one setting She would like to study this further, although she doubted many other elves would consent. At least it was a start. 

Glancing at the floor, she noticed that something had been slid under her door while she slept. A letter with two flowers resting on top. Andreth picked both these things up, turning her attention to the flowers first. 

A peony and and a sprig of fennel. The flowers standing for healing and congratulations. This was unmistakably Aegnor’s doing. It was from him that she had learned the meanings the elves conveyed by sending different flowers. 

Congratulations, because she had bested him. Healing, because of its damages to her health. It was ridiculously pretentious, and according to human standards entirely the wrong response after a night of drinking. And yet it was so like him, a kind gesture, and he had given her flowers. Even though they did not symbolize romance, this thrilled her- but she was being ridiculous again. 

She set the blossoms down and opened the letter.

Dear Andreth,
It is hardly an exaggeration when I say that I have never felt worse in my life than I do this morning. I hope that you do not feel the same, although I fear that you may, as the after effects of alcohol seem to be universal among humans, and elves too apparently. At least we have discovered something in the name of science, and this is a small consolation. 

While I did not get a chance to respond to your compliment last night regarding my bone structure, this was most gracious of you. I think that you have very nice facial structure as well.


The entirety of the gesture was sweet, the fact that he both cared enough about how she was feeling, and the that he had taken the time to write this and collect the flowers despite experiencing the aftermaths of spirits for the first time. And the last sentence! She knew that Aegnor was not given to idle flattery and surely, if he had been discomfited by her statement then he would not have brought it up of his own volition, but there is his neat handwriting were the words, I think that you have very nice facial structure as well. Perhaps he too had studied her in profile while she was distracted with some other thing, as she had so often studied his 

She read them again, feeling ridiculously happy. A kiss, and a compliment, and only a wicked hangover in the way of payment. 

Still, I am never, ever drinking again, she resolved.


Chapter End Notes

Peonies and fennel do symbolize congratulations and healing respectively. Regarding elves and alcohol in canon, we do see a pair of them get drunk in The Hobbit, so it is possible for them to do so. They also can be negatively affected by things introduced into their bloodstreams (Aredhel, dying of poison) which included alcohol, I guess.

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