What REALLY Happened; Elrond and Celebrian Get Engaged by Cee Cee

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Fanwork Notes

Author's note:  If this dialogue seems rather modern, remember; it's my attempt to translate the Sindarin that the characters were speaking into comparable contemporary idioms.

Fanwork Information


Galadriel has a vision;

Elrond has a reputation;

Erestor and Glorfindel have a conversation;

Celeborn has an objection;

And Celebrian has a big surprise.

Major Characters: Celeborn, Celebrían, Elrond, Erestor, Galadriel, Glorfindel

Major Relationships:

Genre: Humor


Rating: Teens

Warnings: Mature Themes

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 325
Posted on 5 October 2017 Updated on 5 October 2017

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on What REALLY Happened; Elrond and Celebrian Get Engaged

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I'm sorry, I can't say anything coherrent, I'm laughing too hard! This was sort of perfect. The summary pulled me in (I write summaries like this sometimes, just shorter and not as good).  The rest --- hey, who needs sleep? Galadriel in particular was so totally Galadriel. Scary woman to have as a mother-in-law.

Is there more? Please tell me there's more. I want to see what happens when they get to Valinor.

I crept back here nervously after posting my first ever fanfic to find a review from an author I have long admired. Thank you to the tenth power!  I've been trying to write fan fic for years and this is the first one I thought maybe good enough to post.  Yes, there is more, but not in this story.  What I plan to do is post a series of individual stories under the title "What REALLY Happened." Only the Elrond and Celebrian story is finished.  My next should be "By the Waters of What's-it's-Name", about the creation of the elves. I had a dickens of a time trying to post this story which I wrote on WORD.  It came out all disarranged.  Not at all neat.  Sorry!

However, I do not want to leave people hanging without answering their questions, so in my dramatic version, Elrond finds the king waiting for him and Celebrian has been reborn with her memories wiped out permanently because of the trauma she suffered when she was gang-raped for days by orcs.  Before sailing, she had asked Elrond to find her when he came and become her friend.   The long, involved story I tried to write did not work.  After years of trying to overcome my drama block, I gave up and now do only humor.   Thank you again!


Cee Cee

Hope you will write many more!

Now I know why authors beg for reviews.

Seems transparently obvious that since fanfic writers are not paid, those who read their works should say thank you in some form or another. It's essentially a gift economy. Writers sweat blood and readers enjoy their fanfiction--they should say so!