Keeping Up Appearances by Ulan

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Chapter 2: That time when Elrond was clearly fishing for the High King

"Is it true?" Elrond asked one slow day, after he found Erestor reading on a bench in the orchard.

"Is what true?" asked Erestor in turn, though he did not look up and instead just turned a page in his book.

The herald sat beside him. "You and Glorfindel. Have you finally put us out of our misery and bedded one another?"

Erestor looked at Elrond, confused. "What are you talking about?"

"Come now, my friend. Really, we are relieved," said the Half-Elf with a pleased smile. "If you and Glorfindel are together now, this is wonderful news! For years, you two have presented yourselves as mere friends, but that you are closer than this and desire more is seen by all, plain as day."

"Elrond, I am afraid I must stop you there," said Erestor. "Whatever it is that you heard, it is not true. The poor thing simply has reached his limit of those silly Elves tailing him around and disrupting his peace. He finally snapped and so has been telling all and sundry that he is no longer available, in hopes of deterring them."

Elrond had a thoughtful look on his face. "I see," he said, just staring at Erestor. "How disappointing. I truly thought... well, I suppose it is moot now. That is actually quite clever of Glorfindel, though. Clever, and maybe a bit underhanded." He added the last part as if in afterthought.

"I can concur with clever, but perhaps underhanded is a bit much," said Erestor, feeling as if he should defend his closest friend. "He seeks to gain nothing by it, only peace, which is his right to have to begin with. Glorfindel does not lie needlessly."

"It is not what he would gain from his admirers that I am talking about," said Elrond with an amused smile. "But be at ease, for I do not judge him harshly. I said that even with amusement and some admiration. Tell me, he asked you to keep quiet and let people assume that you two are lovers, correct?"


"Hence the flowers I keep seeing on your desk and your place in the dining hall? And I suppose I did not imagine that he did kiss your cheek after we broke our fast this morn?"

"He does need to keep up appearances," said Erestor, taking it all in stride.

"Hmm." Elrond just stared at him for a long time, before finally saying, "All right, then, if you are sure there is nothing between you two. Because even Ereinion asked, and you know how he is when fed with false information."

Before he could be appalled at the High King's involvement in the issue, there came a call from behind them.


They both turned toward the pathway that led further out into the gardens and saw at the same time who it was that called Erestor. Glorfindel had a bright smile on his face as he approached them.

"It is good that you are here, for I feared not seeing you and have this go to waste," he said. It was only then that Erestor noticed the vine with two yellow flowers the captain was now untying from his belt.

Without asking for permission, Glorfindel crouched down in front of Erestor and adjusted his braids so that he could braid in the vine, a trail of bright green now interwoven in Erestor's dark hair. The braid was pulled down to fall over his shoulder, the two heads of flowers resting just below Erestor's chin.

"Lovely specimens," Elrond noted as he watched Glorfindel at work.

"Indeed. I saw them and knew I had to have them," said the captain with a smile.

"Poor reward if they find themselves cut for their beauty," said Erestor, though his words held no sting.

Glorfindel chuckled. "Nay. I took them so they could encounter beauty that can match their own, and be in good company." He brushed a finger lightly under Erestor's chin as he said this, smiling up at him. He then stood up and turned to Elrond. "Is the king free at the moment?"

Elrond shrugged. "He is as free as a king can ever be. Go ahead if you need to speak with him."

Glorfindel nodded his thanks before bowing to them both, and took his leave. Elrond watched him go, then proceeded to smile widely at Erestor. "You are right. It is clearly nothing. I do not know whatever it was that I was thinking."

Erestor knew that look, but was in no mood for Elrond's teasing. "Indeed," was all he said.

"In any case, I think that Glorfindel has indeed found the solution to the problem about his... enthusiastic fans. Whatever madness comes upon his admirers, no one would dare incur your wrath." Elrond laughed at the look of mild irritation that crossed Erestor's face. "Yes, that is it, exactly. Truly, you will do nicely."

Elrond took his leave shortly after that, letting Erestor return to his book. As the book was once again opened and Erestor looked down to read, the sweet scent of the blooms on his hair reached his nose. He breathed deeply of their fragrance, and despite the earlier disruptions, they easily lulled him back to an afternoon spent in peace.

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