Keeping Up Appearances by Ulan

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Chapter 4: That time when it was just the two of them (and it really did not make much of a difference)

"If we were to settle down, would you rather stay in the main house or build our own cottage a little to the back?"

They were standing in the middle of where constructions were being done, for a rather large structure deep in the valley. It promises to be a beautiful house, and Erestor looked forward to seeing it completed. Exhausted as they all were of the battles and losses of recent years, it seemed as if they were looking again at a time of peace, and Elrond's Imladris promised to be a place of healing as much as it could serve as a stronghold.

He turned to Glorfindel, just remembering that he spoke. "What are we talking about?"

The captain smiled at him. "There is this one plot of land that I have been eyeing for a while, a little to the back. There is a small stream just beside it, and I think the area is perfect for a garden."

"Why not just claim it for yourself if you want it so much? You need not have my approval."

"Well, my dear, if you were following the conversation, it will be your house, too."

Erestor turned confused eyes to his companion. He had been hearing remarks such as this too many times of late. They never stopped pretending to be lovers, true, as they were never certain if Glorfindel's problems would not return if he were to be seen as available again, and of course events of recent years had distracted them all, giving no room for such conversations. But things have settled down somehow, and people have begun to smile and laugh again, bit by bit, and to return to old games before Eregion fell and they lost Ost-in-Edhil. Glorfindel, whose source of amusement in the past seemed to be to test what they could get away with when in the presence of others, had also returned somewhat to his old ways. These days, though, even when they were alone...

Glorfindel seemed to catch him looking, for he was quick to appease. "It is hypothetical, Erestor. Think of it as something from one of those books you favour. In a universe of infinite possibilities, there will be a world somewhere where we will end up living in the same quarters, correct? So, suppose that we were in that world, would we take the plot of land?"

Erestor sighed. These questions were getting ridiculous, but Glorfindel looked so earnest beside him. He knew the other would not relent until Erestor provided a satisfactory answer.

"I suppose I am leaning toward that plot of land," he said resignedly. "If it is as good as you say it is. I do dislike having such fertile land go to waste."

Glorfindel hummed thoughtfully beside him. "Would you like to see it?"

Glorfindel led them through a short walk until the sounds of construction faded away, drowned by the song of the forest and the sound of the rushing river that seemed ever present in this valley. The stretch of land he eventually pointed out was indeed lovely, for the canopy above them was not so thick and the Sun streamed through pleasantly, touching the ground with dappled light. There were already many flowers that grew around the area, patches of bright colour amidst the green.

"This is beautiful, Glorfindel," said Erestor admiringly as he made a slow turn, surveying the area.

"I figured that the main house will have to serve as shelter for us all for now, given the way things are. Security is a bit of a concern still. I do intend to ask Elrond to save me this place in hopes that we will eventually find ourselves in a time of peace."

"That sounds like a good plan." Erestor turned to look at Glorfindel. "The place is truly lovely; I just might build my own cottage beside yours."

Glorfindel grinned. "Or you could live with me."

Despite himself, Erestor could not help but roll his eyes at the suggestion. He did smile a little though, his mood lifting. "Judging by the state of your rooms, I think you will be a difficult housemate."

"I promise to be good," said the captain earnestly. "We need not even split the chores fairly. You can lie back and read while I sweep the floor."

Erestor could not help but laugh at the picture. "Careful, Captain, for these are familiar promises. Say any more and I just might have to introduce you to my mother."

Glorfindel laughed at that, and maybe he blushed a bit, Erestor could not tell, but his voice was clear and quiet when he said, "I'm sure she's lovely."

Erestor thought their gaze lingered far too long for a moment spent without words. Glorfindel did eventually look away, and he strayed to the stream, touching the water and doing whatever it was that entertained him while Erestor examined the area a while more. But even as Erestor looked around, he also thought - not for the first time - about how easily they found themselves like this nowadays, tittering at an edge of something that was decidedly not somewhere friends ought to find themselves so often.

Theirs was a special case, he supposed, thanks to Glorfindel's arrangement. Still, the truth was that when he looked at Glorfindel in the quiet like this, with his warm smile and open contentment when they were together, and knowing that no one save him had been able to make Erestor smile ever since the enemy revealed himself, Erestor could not deny that he could also see the picture of them in his mind, together at a time of peace, sometimes (often) even clear and logical as if nothing else made better sense.

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