Spell of Silence by Zdenka

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Fanwork Notes

Written for Back to Middle-earth Month 2018 for the Musical Terms Bingo Card, for the square "cadence."

Daeron putting a spell of silence on Doriath comes from the "Lay of Leithian".

Fanwork Information


Daeron discovers Lúthien's love for Beren. In jealousy and grief, he casts a spell of silence over Doriath.

Major Characters: Daeron

Major Relationships:

Genre: General, Het

Challenges: B2MeM 2018

Rating: General


This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 3, 450
Posted on 17 March 2018 Updated on 17 March 2018

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on Spell of Silence

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I love the way you incorporate sounds in the visual descriptors in the first paragraph particularly.

"Daeron remained still as if turned to stone, his bloodless fingers clutching his flute," was another particularly powerful imagery, (I have no specific idea of Daeron's looks, but the white-knuckled grip on the wooden flute was beautifully poignant)

I enjoyed the last line very much, the echoed grief caught in music never replayed, a lost masterpiece or perhaps just a small harmony - no one shall know save Daeron and the drowned lands of Doriath...