The Ainu Ficlets by Raiyana

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Manwë likes to make birds and gift them to his loved ones... - (132 words)

“But… what are they?” Varda wondered, looking at the tiny flying creatures. As she watched, they all seemed to turn, following the lead of one, shaping wondrous figures in the air that fascinated her with their transience. There it was a circle, but now an arrow that became a wave in an instant.

“I have called them starlings, my love,” Manwë replied, satisfied as he watched the small birds fly hither and yon, but always forming constellations of a sort – just the type of bird Varda would like, he thought. “Starlings-”

He forgot what he wanted to say in the heat of her kisses, flitting like starlight through his mind, but it didn’t matter: far below, the starlings would continue to dance for her, mimicking the much slower dance of Varda’s heavens.

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