Scion of Kings by janeways

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Fanwork Notes

In which we are all Gil-Galad, failing to start an email.

Inspired by this post:


Fanwork Information


Gil-Galad reflects on his heritage and pens a letter to the man he thinks (hopes?) might be his father.

Major Characters: Eluréd, Elurín, Fingon, Gil-galad, Maedhros

Major Relationships:

Genre: Drama, General


Rating: General


Chapters: 4 Word Count: 4, 765
Posted on 7 May 2018 Updated on 15 June 2018

This fanwork is complete.

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Table of Contents

Thank you all for your kind comments and for encouraging me to keep writing this!

Special thanks to Fionn (ecthvlion) and Ioann (struckinarda) for beta reading, and thanks also to you readers! Your support keeps me going, so please - let me know what you think!

Well, this is it! The last chapter (for now...I don't think I'll be able to put away this Gil for good). I know this is a quick turnaround, but I knew what I wanted to write and the plot bunny wouldn't leave me alone (and I wanted to finish the story before going on vacation). Special thanks to ecthvlion on Tumblr for betareading.

Lastly, my very talented friend Ian was kind enough to take a commission of my Gil! I think he looks very handsome - check it out and give it a reblog:

Thank you all for joining me on this journey! This was my first ever fic, and it's been so wonderful to read all your comments and get your support. You guys make this worth doing :)

Comments on Scion of Kings

The Silmarillion Writers' Guild is more than just an archive--we are a community! If you enjoy a fanwork or enjoy a creator's work, please consider letting them know in a comment.

I'm dying--this is great! I had a theory also (doesn't reach the level of theory--more like speculative head-canon) that it might have been possible that Maedhros was Gil-galad's daddy!

See my chapter "Fingon's Heir" in It Gives a Lovely Light (

I love that idea! Good look Gil-galad!

Poor Gil indeed! I didn't used to be terribly interested in him, but once I saw that post, it totally changed how I felt. I saw an idea and I ran with it - as for now, the way it's described in the post is pretty much how I see it going down in "my" universe, but I suppose that might develop more when I continue. And yes, I imagine this is going to be an awkward I said poor Gil, but maybe "Poor Mae" is more accurate! 

I'm glad you continued this!

I liked Gil's characterization, how after the initial dithering he just went for it, and enjoyed the descriptions of Maedhros reading the letter and Maedhros at his desk, writing.

And it was fun to think of Fingon enthusiastically signing birthday cards for Maedhros's adopted children!

This was a beautiful story, janeways!

I apologise for not reviewing each and every one of the chapters. Its usually my MO, but I've been impossibly busy what with the holidays and all and I can spend a ridiculous amount of time reviewing too, which doesn't help.

Anyway, back to this incredible story.

I love Gil's problems with beginning his letter. "Four words!" He may be a King but that doesn't seem to help him on the writing letters side of things.

But this last chapter. Wow! I could really feel the affection Maedhros held for Gil, whilst penning his letter to him.

Naming Gil-galad after the fire he saw in his eyes was beautiful and Maedhros secretly envious of that fire.

This was a wonderful end to it and the irony of the Noldor having a Sindarin High King. If only they knew.

Lovely janeways. I would recommend this as a great read.

Thank you for sharing.

WOW oh my gosh this has to be one of the best comments I've ever received!! Thank you!! This was such a harebrained idea and I'm so glad you've enjoyed it. I think we can all relate to Gil not knowing how to start a message, lol. And as for Maedhros...I wanted to think he'd avail himself of an opportunity to make amends. Secretly, he's a big softie. Thank you again for your lovely comment and for reading!