To Whom It May Concern by Anne Wolfe

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Fanwork Notes

Fanwork Information


This law-abiding Oklahoman isn't sure whether she's the best kind of person to find a Silmaril or the worst, but she does know one thing: she doesn't want to die. Featuring Mt. St. Helens and Tupperware.

Major Characters: Original Female Character(s), Maglor

Major Relationships: Maglor & Original Character

Genre: Alternate Universe, General


Rating: General


Chapters: 4 Word Count: 3, 488
Posted on 30 June 2019 Updated on 10 April 2021

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on To Whom It May Concern

The Silmarillion Writers' Guild is more than just an archive--we are a community! If you enjoy a fanwork or enjoy a creator's work, please consider letting them know in a comment.

Anne Wolfe has requested the following types of constructive criticism on this fanwork: Characterization, Conflict, Description/Imagery, Mood/Tone, Organization/Structure, Pacing, Point of View, Setting, Spelling, Grammar, and Mechanics, Style, Worldbuilding. All constructive criticism must follow our diplomacy guidelines.