Slippage by Lferion

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Fanwork Notes

Written For the Silmarillion Writer's Guild February 2020 Crackuary Bingo Challenge. Fill for N-1: 13 going on 30; N-2: Rebirth and reembodiment taken to their logical extremes. 200 words according to my writing program.

Many thanks to Runa and Morgynleri for encouragement and sanity-checking.

On AO3

Fanwork Information


Fingon, recently Returned, an old head on young shoulders, is not having an easy time.

Major Characters: Fingon

Major Relationships:

Genre: Crackfic, Fixed-Length Ficlet

Challenges: Crackuary

Rating: General


This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 202
Posted on 8 March 2020 Updated on 8 March 2020

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on Slippage

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Poor Fingon. Reembodiment must have been difficult to navigate at the best of times, but for somebody like him - as you say, more legend than person - it must have been particularly strange to start life over. Especially if not all of him has returned to life.