Legends of the Stars
Series compiled by Kimberleighe
A collection of Sindarin stories about the stars and myths before the rising of the Moon.
- Series Information
A collection of Sindarin stories about the stars and myths before the rising of the Moon.
Major Characters: Círdan, Elrond, Elros, Gil-galad, Original Character(s)
Major Relationships:
Genre: Adventure, Drama, General
Fanworks in "Legends of the Stars"

Gwilwileth's Folly by Kimberleighe
Warnings: No warnings apply
The tale of Gwilwileth
First in the "Legends of the Stars" series

Menelvagor's Chase by Kimberleighe
Warnings: No warnings apply
The tale of Menelvagor, and how he came to the skies.
Second story in the "Legends of the Stars" series.

The Swan's Song by Kimberleighe
Warnings: No warnings apply
Chapter 10 includes: politics, dreams, and a lecture.
The tales and travels of Gil-galad's chief counselor during the Second Age.

Into Darkness Fell by Kimberleighe
Warnings: Character Death, Violence (Mild)
Idhreniel shares the secret of the stars beyond Varda's creation, and recounts some of the fallen.