The Swan's Song by Kimberleighe

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Fanwork Notes

As always, a huge thanks to the Lizard's Council for awesomeifying this!

1/6/15: Chapter 10 posted.

10/16/12: Chapter 9 posted.

8/17/12: Chapters 1-4 updated with additional scenes; Chapter 8 posted.


Fanwork Information


Chapter 10 includes: politics, dreams, and a lecture.

The tales and travels of Gil-galad's chief counselor during the Second Age.

Major Characters: Amroth, Celeborn, Celebrían, Celebrimbor, Círdan, Elrond, Erestor, Galadriel, Gil-galad, Glorfindel, Original Character(s), Sauron

Major Relationships:

Genre: Drama, General, Romance

Challenges: B2MeM 2012

Rating: Teens


This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 10 Word Count: 35, 968
Posted on 25 January 2012 Updated on 7 January 2015

This fanwork is a work in progress.

Show all chapters on a single page

Table of Contents

Summary: In which the tale of Thorondun and Alphiril is begun.

Summary: There are many requests made, but not one to finish the tale.

Huge thanks to Scarlet and Erulisse for their feedback on this part. 

Summary: The tale of Thorondun and Alphiril is finished, and Idhreniel contemplates a change in scenery.

Summary: Idhreniel finally shares a tale with her brother of the Sun and Moon; and says her farewells.

Summary: The route from Mithlond to Ost-in-Edhil is filled with reminders that the Eldar, while one, are not the same.

Huge thanks goes to Pandemonium for her support with this chapter! 

Summary: Idhreniel finally arrives to the City.

Huge thanks to the LC, especially Scarlet, Surgicalsteel and Russandol.  Thank you for your honest feedback!

Credit to Pandemonium for openly sharing her ideas and thoughts on the look/layout of the City.  I cannot thank you enough for the support and encouragement!


B2MEM12 prompts fulfilled:

Canon Couples: Celeborn/Galadriel

Artifacts & Weapons: Fëanorian Lamp

Summary: Includes introductions to characters familiar and new, a party, and wishes of luck and fortune!

Big thanks to Scarlet, Pandemonium_213 and Elfscribe for their sharp eyes and minds!

Extra thanks to pandemonium for allowing me to utilize some terms from her stories.


Summary: A brief discussion on what might lie beyond the stars, and the paths that take one there.

Thanks to Scarlet, mollyapple and Pandemonium for feedback!

This chapter was in part inspired by the MPTT Anniversary Challenge, specifically the following lines: “Tomorrow we may come this way/ And take the hidden paths that run/ Towards the Moon or to the Sun.” 

Summary: Challenges abound and Idhreniel finds herself accepting a new position.

Many thanks to Scarlet and Oshun! 

It is highly recommended that Into Darkness Fell is read prior to this chapter.  That story provides information surrounding the Sindar and their beliefs regarding the rise and fall of stars. 

It has been quite awhile since I updated, but here is the next installment.  As always, notes/characters are at the bottom.

Comments on The Swan's Song

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So.  I am extraordinarily embarrassed that it has taken me so long to place an Official Review for The Swan's Song here on the SWG.  Because I see it on the LC and get in my compliments and suggestions there, I tend to forget that the polished chapter are here.  I'm also rather taken aback that the WIP has received no rreviews here up to this point, because IMO, it is a fine story with a carefully built secondary world and a well-drawn OFC.  Actually, a number of well-drawn OCs.  But it's Idhreniel who is the star:  counselor to Gil-galad and a student of starlore.  She's smart, subtle, and has a very authentic feel to her.  That is to say, she is easily envisioned as a character that could slip right into Tolkien canon.

The settings are described beautifully - not overdone at all and with attention to word choices so effective that the scenes in the story unfold cinematically.  Dialog's very appealing, too, and again, with an authentic feel so that one gets the impression of real people talking, not just characters viewed from 30,000 feet.

Of course, I'm a sucker for the science contained herein as well as the cultural differences between Sinda and Noldo, which is neatly explored!

Very well done, Kim, and I hope this story gets more attention!  It deserves it.

First review!  Pardon me while I flail in happiness!

Thank you, Pande, for the Official Review.  You've been supportive of both Idhreniel and the development of this story from the beginning.  Of course, by supportive, I mean challenging me to really think and explore character and setting.  Thank you for saying she "could slip right into Tolkien canon".  That is a compliment that I will keep close to heart (and away from my head). I tried for authenticity, so I'm glad to hear someone saw it.

So, thank you again and again and again.  I wish I could be more concise, but I'm hoping you know what I mean!