Midwinter 2020 Instadrabbling by Lindariel

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Chapter 10

Eglarest, Year 6 of the Sun.  This takes place in my series "The Fairest Vessels That Ever Sailed."  Prompts:  together, wood, rustling, water.

Alatáriel moved around the sewing table, tugging at the newly finished sail as she went. She had already sent the sailmakers home with praise in their ears for the fine job they had done on their first great sail. All their needles had moved together in perfect rhythm with the Telerin sewing rhyme she had taught them: "the sail makes wood to travel on water."

Teleporno appeared in the doorway. "Something is rustling. Is it done?" he asked, surprised.

"It is," she replied, "and well done at that. Help me finish folding it," she directed. "Tomorrow we will waterproof it."

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