Series compiled by clotho123
\'Interleavings\' because there is no central character or plotline, the series is just a way to group stories which have interconnecting references and which I intend to be definitely part of the same fictional universe. At some point some of my other stories may get included in this series as well, we\'ll see
- Series Information
\'Interleavings\' because there is no central character or plotline, the series is just a way to group stories which have interconnecting references and which I intend to be definitely part of the same fictional universe. At some point some of my other stories may get included in this series as well, we\'ll see
Major Characters:
Major Relationships:
Fanworks in "Interleavings"

Too Long a Winter by clotho123
Warnings: No warnings apply
Mid-winter at Himring was never going to be all peace and goodwill

No Place of Safety by clotho123
Warnings: No warnings apply
After the fall of Nargothrond more ill-news reaches Balar

Beyond Hope by clotho123
Warnings: Violence (Mild)
Of the sack of Sirion and the power of the Oath of Fëanor

The Days have gone Down by clotho123
Warnings: No warnings apply
At the very end of the First Age Celebrimbor and Maedhros discuss Silmarils and leadership

A Time to Heal by clotho123
Warnings: No warnings apply
At the beginning of the Second Age Gil-galad must decide what to do about the surviving Fëanorian followers. Can the Noldor be reconciled?

Heirs of the Past by clotho123
Warnings: No warnings apply
Gil-galad, Celebrimbor and a ring. Not the one you think.

No Regrets by clotho123
Warnings: No warnings apply
An Eärendil vignette exploring why he was fated to sail the skies. A little odd, and a little bleak.