A Time to Heal by clotho123

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Fanwork Notes

This story follows the HOME12 version of Gil-galad's origins, making him Orodreth's son and raised in Nargothrond.



Fanwork Information


At the beginning of the Second Age Gil-galad must decide what to do about the surviving Fëanorian followers.  Can the Noldor be reconciled?

Major Characters: Celebrimbor, Círdan, Elrond, Gil-galad

Major Relationships:

Genre: General


Rating: General


This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 5, 277
Posted on 24 December 2008 Updated on 24 December 2008

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on A Time to Heal

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One of the best characterizations of Gil-galad I've read: he's full of doubt, yet determined to lead his people, brave, kind-hearted and strong.

I also love your description of the proud Kin-slayers in their tattered clothes; and one certainly understands their longing to live in one place, with their kin, in peace, after so many years of war and endless tragedies.

Celebrimbor - yes, you must be right, he and Gil-galad must have mended the division between them for Celebrimbor to become ruler of Eregion.

>>“Because I cannot escape who I am.  Because there are bonds which cannot be broken. <<

>>“I have no wish to be a lord of any kind.  But someone must bear the weight. <<

These are wonderful lines and explain so much!

Wonderful story!


Awesome story, Clotho. The dialogues are a treat (especially Gil-galad's final speech), and the characters are easily identifiable with those in the books. Even a picky nitpicker like me cannot find anything to whine about, save maybe the liberal distribution of silver hair to elves, so frequent in fics, and 'Sindar woman' where there should be 'Sindarin woman'. But honestly, it's been long since I enjoyed a fic this much. Great job! :] I hope you continue writing.