Fëanorian Fates Series by Alassante

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Full Circle ~ Celebrimbor's Fate

Thanks so much to SilverMoonLady for the Beta =) This one is more gory than the others.

Celebrimbor closed his eyes as the orcs delivered more lashes to his blood-soaked back. His wrists strained uselessly against the ropes that bound him. 

Annatar had left his minions to their sadistic fun after Celebrimbor was no longer able to speak. Before taking his leave, however, he had taunted Celebrimbor about his failure as he drove fire-heated iron rods into his torso. Then he savored the elf lord's screams as he severed each of his fingers, while demanding to know the location of the Elven Rings of Power.

Praying for death, Celebrimbor tried to block out the pain that filled every fiber of his being. How could he have been so foolish, so full of pride and lust to restore honor to the House of Fëanor? Too blind too long, he had fallen prey to the very sins that had destroyed Fëanor and his sons, he was damned by the Rings as they had been by the Silmarils. And his failure had handed the key to Middle-Earth's downfall into Sauron's hands. 

"Adar, forgive me for judging you so harshly." 

Fading away, Celebrimbor's final thought was to hope that Narya, Nenya, and Vilya would be enough to protect his beloved people.

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