The First Snow by Sirielle

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Fanwork Notes

I would like to thank Mot and Nellelórë for their great help with the English translation and Tehta for the final beta-reading of the English text. Hantalë!

 Reference to The Glitter of metal by Ithilwen.

I use Quenya names in the text, let me post their meanings [Sindarin name & Quenya names with nickname (epessë)]:

Maedhros: Maitimo - 'well-shaped one' - a reference to his beautiful bodily form, mother name; Russandol - 'copper-top' - an epessë given in reference to his red-brown hair; Maedhros (Sindarin) - 'Glitter of Metal', later changed into 'Well-formed (or shapely) Copper'.
Maglor: Kanafinwë - 'strong-voiced or commanding', father name; Makalaurë - ' forging gold' - a poetic reference to his skill in harping, mother name.
Amrod and Amras: Ambarussa - 'top-russet' - their mother name.

Source - J. R. R. Tolkien The Shibboleth of Fëanor in The History of Middle Earth volume XII.

filit - 'small bird' (Quenya). An affectionate nickname Maedhros has given to his brother Maglor. Epessë invited by Ithilwen.

hantalë - 'thank you' (Quenya)

Fanwork Information


The First Snow (Digital painting 2008)

Winter morning in Himring, the siedge of Angband time. Short look at the world with bright grey eyes. Vignette, Maedhros' POV.

Major Characters: Maedhros, Maglor

Major Relationships:

Genre: General


Rating: General


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 693
Posted on 24 June 2007 Updated on 18 May 2021

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on The First Snow

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I don't know quite why I liked this piece. It was so fresh (like the first snow itself) and so original that it stayed with me.

I especially liked the image of Maedhros turning his face towards the snow.

The following lines were also memorable:

Father, what jewel would you forge if you could capture a snowflake before it reached my face?
How would you save the white frost gracing the world at dawn? Preserve a pattern embroidered with ice?

Apart from the beautiful imagery, I loved the idea of capturing a snowflake and of preserving a delicate thing of beauty.

The picture was also beautiful, and made this piece more memorable for me. Also, I think you're a great artist (although I know nothing about art)!

I'm favouriting this piece; thought I'd let you know.

Mistrali :)



Hi Mistrali, thank you so much for kind words :)

This is my fav part of the story, too, the other came without plan, sometimes I think it would have better effect if I left him with his thoughts uninterrupted. The whole story is result of imagining the picture of his face in snow. I'm glad you like the image, too - I guess you're talking about the newer image from August (which I just liked here, too). I'm sure I'll paint it anew in the future to get even closer the image which made me to put this scene it in words :)

(One doesn't have to know a lot about art to appreciate it, all what matters is if it leaves impression.)

