In-Betweens by Elleth

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Chapter 4

Another episode from the lives of Fëanor and Nerdanel. For the prompt "Insides" at fanfic100 - a discussion of ósanwë-kenta.

"Of course you can do it," she had coaxed despite the strange look he gave her. On their backs in the meadow behind the house, Istarnië and Fëanáro stared at each other. The grass was long and golden, Yavanna had ordained that harvest should start soon.

"I could if I wanted to," he stated almost gruffly. "Words are sufficient for most of what I have to say. I do not need to do it. What use do you have for this secrecy, Istarnië?"

"There may be things that you will not wish others to know, perhaps," she replied evenly and without a flutter of her voice. It was her heart that was treacherous and fluttery. "And there are other uses that you will discover on your own."

"I know them already. What use are they to you?"

"Must all things have a use and reason? Although to ask you that question, I might as well answer it myself..." She surprised herself with a long-suffering sigh and laughter. Made bold by his mock-outraged look (she knew him that well already; although a scowl was on his face, his eyes did not show anger), she continued in a teasing tone. "Where is your fabled curiosity, Fëanáro? Have you left it in the workshop to continue work without you?"

"Indeed it is busy elsewhere." As he spoke, there was a touch, no, what - a caress? - on her mind, abruptly withdrawn as she looked to him. His eyes were on the star-jewel she now wore as a pendant.

"With me?" 

A heartbeat, a pause. An age.


"Why the secrecy?" There was wonder in her voice now. "Can you not say it?"

He opened his mouth to answer, but from across the field the bell called the students back to work. He rose and walked away, but his reply came with another brush to her mind, and a glance of bright eyes back at her. No words this time, but a feeling, an idea, a message:

Some things are obvious.

She was left baffled – he had given her the stone, and watched her even as she had watched him. More, perhaps. Touched her mind in those unguarded, open moments. Their talks revolved around their work, and left a space in the middle, like the eye of a storm, that by unspoken agreement they did not touch. Today she had tried, but the conclusion was no different from the one she had reached before... surely he was not in love with her?

Istarnië dared not hope.

Chapter End Notes

Ósanwë-kenta - in his essay on the subject, Tolkien uses the term "communication of thought". In theory, minds have to be "open" to be able to receive another's "transmission" as Nerdanel did in this story (and previously) - make of that what you will; I think the idea speaks for itself.

Once again, many thanks to Lyra for reading over those two new chapters.

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