Alqualondë by Moreth
Fanwork Notes
Fanwork Information
Summary: Two drabbles from opposing view-points. Set in the chaos of the first kin-slaying, so rated for death and violence. Major Characters: Major Relationships: Genre: Fixed-Length Ficlet Challenges: Rating: Teens Warnings: Character Death, Violence (Moderate) |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 203 |
Posted on 12 February 2008 | Updated on 12 February 2008 |
This fanwork is complete. |
Chapter 1
My first attempt at posting - so I'm pushing these onto the archive with a pointy stick... Thanks to Rhapsody and Oshun for discussion and review in LJ, and many thanks to Pandemonium for beta-reading and encouraging me to post!
Read Chapter 1
Confusion and shouting. Noise and fire. Father yelling. "Follow... and bring your bow!" With no bow to hand, I snatch up my hunting knife, and run out into the chaos and the dark.
The figure before me pads swiftly forward, and I throw out my hand, crying out, hoping to stop him. Everything feels wrong. Who is this Golodo in strange clothing, carrying weapons?
Then pain as my hand is knocked sideways. Something hits my chest. Hard. It hurts beyond bearing.
Someone screaming. Is it my voice? I can't breathe.
I'm cold. So very cold.
Nana, the stars are fading...
It seems we've practised forever and it makes everything so easy. Foot forward. Twist his knife sideways. Strike now.
He stares at me in shock before he starts screaming. Bending double. Hands pressed against his chest. Trying to stop the blood. Trying to breathe. Trying not to die.
But I have learnt my lessons well. That one can be ignored. Look for the next danger. Choose your target. Foot forward...
And it's only afterwards that it's not easy. When we look at what remains. When we see what we did. And then, oh no... then it's not easy at all.
Chapter End Notes
'Golodoi' should be Telerin for 'Noldor' according to here .
'Nana' - I'm assuming 'Mummy/Mommy/Mama' is similar to Sindarin.
(1) Comment by pandemonium_213 for Alqualondë [Ch 1]
These are as powerful here as when I first read them in the netherworld. :^) My hat's off to your depiction of the immediacy of Alqualondë from the viewpoint of Teler and Noldo with such crisp language! Nicely done!
Congratulations on taking the plunge! You're doomed now, you know. :^D
Re: (1) Comment by pandemonium_213 for Alqualondë [Ch 1]
Phew... I didn't get 'You're hopeless' :D Thank you again for the comments and encouragement that led to me posting.
I have a feeling I was doomed since I picked up TS again around Christmas... and I suspect I don't really care!
(2) Comment by Robinka for Alqualondë [Ch 1]
Firstly, congrats on your first posting!
I really like how you've conveyed the contradiction of attitudes in these two drabbles: the horror and chaos of the attack from the point of view of the victim, and the steel-cold drive of a trained assailant. The skillfulness would be later turned into pain and remorse, but it would be too late to atone for the disaster. Very well done, and thank you for sharing :)
All the best,
Re: (2) Comment by Robinka for Alqualondë [Ch 1]
Thanks Robinka - the idea for the first one came from a discussion with Rhapsody in LJ (the second one was written first, in fact...) Glad you enjoyed and thanks for commenting!
(3) Comment by oshun for Alqualondë [Ch 1]
What a debut, Moreth! This is wonderful characterization in these two drabbles. You absolutely broke my heart in both of them. You captured the scene so well. The first character is so young and unaware he will soon be facing something he has never even thought about. (The "Nana" and the "stars are fading" pushed me over the edge.) The Feanorian on the other hand, has been prepared, but is nonetheless tragic, because part of his preparation has been don't think, just keeping moving, do what you have to do. His grief and guilt will necessarily have to be dealt with later.
This moved me far beyond much more ambitious and much longer pieces I have read about Alqualonde.
Re: (3) Comment by oshun for Alqualondë [Ch 1]
I'm glad you enjoyed (if that's the right word). The whole scenario seems pretty horrific and confused to me - I'm glad that came across. Indeed, the poor Feanorian is going to have a very bad time afterwards!
Drabbles seemed easier to start on then some full blown epic - so I suspect I'm cheating a little, but thank you ;)
(4) Comment by Dawn Felagund for Alqualondë [Ch 1]
I'm going to have to agree with the others: a most impressive debut! :^D Both drabbles are fantastic and, put together, create a great effect. I literally had shivers by the last line of the first. Such innocence about to abruptly end. Actually, I think that's somewhat true of both, when both Elves are about to learn hard lessons about the world, about the capabilities of their own kind to commit violence.
Again, wonderful work, most highly recommended to anyone stumbling through and willing to take my word on things. :)
Re: (4) Comment by Dawn Felagund for Alqualondë [Ch 1]
Thank you so much for the kind words! Yes, I guess a loss of innocence is a very appropriate description of what happens.
Without the unstinting support of this site's members, I'm sure this would have forever remained two lines in notepad! (/Has a group hug moment...)
(5) Comment by Rianna for Alqualondë [Ch 1]
Well done! I'm new here and I hope that one day my debut will be half as good as yours :) The idea of showing two points of view is fantastic.
My best wishes and keep writing!
Re: (5) Comment by Rianna for Alqualondë [Ch 1]
Hi Rianna, and thanks for the comment! I hope you have as much fun as I am. The guys (gender neutral) here are great, so I'll pass on the advice given to me - "Go for it"!
(6) Comment by Gandalfs apprentice for Alqualondë [Ch 1]
Graphic and scary. A frightening time to imagine!
Re: (6) Comment by Gandalfs apprentice for Alqualondë [Ch 1]
Thank you for the feedback :D
There's a lot of detail left out in Tolkien's writing - I can see why, but gritty detail is soooo much more interesting to write! And the more I think about it, the worse it gets for the poor guys... (I entirely blame Rhapsody for the first drabble!)
(7) Comment by Lethe for Alqualondë [Ch 1]
You know, I absolutely hate people who use so few words and do so much with them. And that is a compliment, immediate and very traumatic, it gives the sense that violence, and the use of weapons to kill is new to the Noldor and Teleri, the shock at the feeling of dying and the shock the Noldo who has killed feels after, fighting, putting all they have learned into practice, seems reflexive, but after - that is when realization hits home. * claps *
Re: (7) Comment by Lethe for Alqualondë [Ch 1]
Oh, thank you :D Coming from someone who writes such beautifully intricate detail it is a compliment indeed! I tried for something that depicted the shock of violence - from both sides. It was an interesting challenge to balance the two.
(8) Comment by Feta for Alqualondë [Ch 1]
This was incredible. The two scenes show such contradicting views but on some level are quite similar, and fit together nicely. And the line, “Nana, the stars are fading...” *shudders* Terrifying, but sort of scarily beautiful.
Re: (8) Comment by Feta for Alqualondë [Ch 1]
Thank you, Feta! It was quite a challenge to 'balance' both sides, I'm glad that came over :)
(9) Comment by Wise Queen for Alqualondë [Ch 1]
Like my own kinslayer, yours also just goes through the motions of what he has learnt. When they learnt it, they were probably told of the dangers of Middle-earth, where they would hopefully go some day, perhaps even of Orcs - I don't believe that killing other Elves was ever even thought about in their training.
And when he's finished, and stops to think - yes, I totally believe your desrciption.
Re: (9) Comment by Wise Queen for Alqualondë [Ch 1]
I'm not sure how I missed your generous review! Sorry about that! And many thanks :D
(10) Comment by Independence1776 for Alqualondë [Ch 1]
Oh, my.
The last lines of both drabbles are heartrending.
Wonderful, heartbreaking account of the first Kinslaying.
Re: (10) Comment by Independence1776 for Alqualondë [Ch 1]
Thank you very much! I wanted (in so far as I can recall) to depict shock on both sides. I'm glad it worked for you :D