Where the Heart Is by Noliel

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Fanwork Notes

A quiet attempt to put forth a not-very-likely-idea-but-one-that-tickles-my-fancy about where Maglor went after... well, after everything. The italicized quotations are taken from the Silmarillion. Short and based on a vision of a man beside a starlit lake, gazing up at the night sky.

Straight to the Heart

Fanwork Information


Maglor wanders physically, seeks subconsciously, and finds. Really.

Major Characters: Maglor

Major Relationships:

Genre: General


Rating: General


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 601
Posted on 23 February 2008 Updated on 23 February 2008

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on Where the Heart Is

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Oh this is beautiful, what a plotbunny!!! This piece has a fabulous feeling that matters come to full circle, after all these ages, Maglor, grandson of Finwe, returns home in the East. It is very fitting, to me it feels like an interpretation the professor would have liked!

I agree with Rhaps :) This is a very beautiful story. I love to see Maglor finding his home after ages of wandering ME. And *where* he finds it! I also love the spontaneous reaction of that elf when he heard they would set a permanent camp at Cuiviénen

Great job! It'll be a splendid B2MeM submission. Thank you for sharing :) 

Thank you for reading and commenting! ;) I've always wanted to give Maglor a sort of closure, but wasn't sure how to until this idea came along. And I'm sure the elves were all really relieved that they would finally be setting up a home. I'm also glad you liked the reaction, which was itself written spontaneously- thank you! :D

I cannot believe that I never commented on this story. This is completely beautiful. I also very much like that he is not alone.

I love the image of the children presenting them with "small gifts of food or scented woven cloth."

Another evocative description is: "A large body of water, surrounded by areas which were most certainly once part of a lake, but are now dry. Small rivulets feed into the water from the remains of mountains behind them, the whole area looking as though broken by a tumult of the earth."

And, last but not least, the look on the elf's face and the changing emotions when Maglor tells him they are staying.