A Smile by Aria

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Fanwork Notes

Fanwork Information


"Yet neither bread nor rest would [Orodreth] grant to Celegorm and Curufin within his realm, and he swore that there would be little love between Nargothrond and the Sons of Fëanor thereafter.
‘Let it be so!' Said Celegorm, and there was a light of menace in his eyes; but Curufin smiled [...] In that time Celebrimbor the son of Curufin repudiated the deeds of his father, and remained in Nargothrond."

A study of a father and son, with a momentous decision.



Major Characters: Celebrimbor, Curufin

Major Relationships:



Rating: General


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1, 700
Posted on 8 April 2008 Updated on 8 April 2008

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on A Smile

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Oh brilliant, this is a marvellous piece. What I so like about it is the train of thoughts: swift, calculating, wondering, questioning. The realisation that his son has grown up and still the fatherly instinct, the plotting. It all comes out so well in this piece. Well done!

What Rhapsy said, I totally agree. The thing I like about this piece in particular is the way in which you've constructed it. The beginning -- a fine bit of description of Celebrimbor, his work, how he focuses on it -- wonderfully unfolds and shows Curufin's realization that his son has indeed grown up. The past finely merges with the present in his rampaging thoughts, when he struggles to accept his son's attitude and choices.

Very emotional and touching story, very nicely written. Thank you a lot for sharing :)

All the best + welcome to SWG,


Hi, Aria! I saw that you posted this a while back, but I missed the chance to read and review it. With a spare moment at work today, I am catching up on stories I wanted to read, and I am glad that I finally got to read this one. Wow ... what a heartbreaking piece! The style you use here fits it perfectly, I think, with your use of contrasts drawing my attention to the details; bringing characters to life on the page. But I think my favorite line, the one that did me in and realize that this story had my heart,

Since when does he disobey me, this wild untried youth? Since when did he learn carpentry? Since when is he so stubborn? Since when did he become grown? "Hold thy tongue and listen."

Beautiful work!

This was very intense.  Wish I had read it sooner.  Felt bad about how father and son had to part because of the effects of the Oath.  There were so many good lines, but the one that affected me most was how Curvo wished for his son to be safe even if they have to part.  Your version is very plausible in that Celebrimbor's dying words. 

A good take on a very shadowy relationship.  Starting with the outright clash of two fiery temperaments, then taking an unexpected but wholly convincing turn as Curufin pulls off one last manipulation.

The one thing which I have created that did not go awry.

A single line that says a great deal