Moon of the Sea by pandemonium_213

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Chapter 6: Night's Respite

She slipped out of the doors and onto the terrace, escaping the boisterous celebration. Her father’s fleet had returned to port yesterday, and he opened his home on this night to his captains and crews and other guests of Rómenna. The atmosphere was a heady one, now that the King - the Farsighted One - had taken the scepter. The Faithful at home and at sea had cause to celebrate.

However, she was accustomed to a quieter home. Although exciting, the festivities –- laden with wine and songs that were sung openly in the beautiful elven tongues –- wore at her. She needed some respite from the crowd of guests.

The moon sailed full in the sky, bathing the harbor waters with quicksilver. She inhaled the sea-air deep into her lungs and closed her eyes. When she opened them, someone stood beside her. Golden light from the villa sculpted high cheekbones and an aquiline nose, but his eyes snared the moonlight.

“It’s too beautiful an evening to remain indoors,” he said, gazing over the harbor and the white stone quays and buildings that glowed in the moonlight.

“Yes, it is.” She felt foolish but that was all she could say, her breath taken away by this tall man. They stood silent, both watching the harbor under the moon and listening to the lapping waves. He broke the silence first.

“I am Elendil.”

“I am Isilmë.”

“Do you wish to go back inside?”

“No. I will remain here for a while.” Then she met his eyes and smiled while Rána in turn smiled down upon her.

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