Philosophia to Philomythus and Misomythus by pandemonium_213
Fanwork Notes
Although I knew from the beginning that I would lose in this duel of song with the great master, I was nonetheless compelled to offer a response to Tolkien's Mythopoeia: science can impart a sense of wonder equivalent to any great mythological tale, and myths and flights of imagination are necessary to spark the creativity which in turn leads to new ideas and theories.
The form used in Mythopoeia is heroic couplet. As noted in the linked Wikipedia entry, this was the preferred cadence of British Enlightenment poets so Tolkien was “attacking the proponents of materialist progress on their own turf.”
The poetic form represents a vast uncharted territory for me. Thus I am indebted to my fellow “smith,” Moreth, who helped to tweak and polish my versecraft. Many thanks!
Fanwork Information
Summary: For The Duel of Songs challenge: a counterpoint to Tolkien's Mythopoeia. MEFA 2008: First Place, Poetry, General.
Major Characters: Major Relationships: Genre: Poetry Challenges: Duel of Songs Rating: General Warnings: |
Chapters: 2 | Word Count: 1, 311 |
Posted on 24 April 2008 | Updated on 24 April 2008 |
This fanwork is complete. |
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J.R.R. Tolkien (“Philomythus” - Lover of Myth) wrote Mythopoeia in response to fellow Inkling, C.S. Lewis (“Misomythus” - Hater of Myth) who said that myths were “lies...breathed through silver.” Tolkien displayed his poetic mastery in Mythopoeia. Even though I take issue with some of his views, I cannot deny the verses are lovely nor do I disagree that myth and art are vital to the culture and thought of mankind. My counterpoint, such as it is, is offered here.
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