Woolgathering by pandemonium_213
Fanwork Notes
Banner by Beruthiel's Cat. Many thanks, Cat!
As usual, I tap into the Pandë!verse and OCs. In this case, it's Elerína, Isildur's wife from The Elendilmir (pre-Isildur; she's ~ 20 years old here); the references to the moon-cult give a nod to Moon of the Sea. Both fics are posted on this site. A well-known canon character (see "Aldarion and Erendis" in Unfinished Tales) is the subject of discussion. Many thanks to the Skinks Supreme of The Lizard Council for their detailed critique.
Fanwork Information
Summary: In the waning years of Tar-Palantír's reign, a young woman of the Númenórean nobility and a shepherdess of Hyarastorni find pleasure in one another's company. They know that they must guard the nature of their relationship, but Elerína recalls what her grandmother told her of a great queen who loved a woman. Written for the International Day of Femslash Challenge. MEFA 2010. WInner, Second Place. Times: Second and Early Third Age: Fall of Númenor. Major Characters: Original Character(s) Major Relationships: Genre: General Challenges: International Day of Femslash 2008 Rating: Adult Warnings: Sexual Content (Graphic) |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 3, 841 |
Posted on 19 July 2008 | Updated on 19 July 2008 |
This fanwork is complete. |
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