Brother Mine by wind rider
Fanwork Notes
Here I use the uneditted version of The Silmarillion regarding the line leading to Ereinion Gil-Galad. Therefore, here he was the son of Fingon, not Orodreth.
Fanwork Information
They say, even in the darkest of times and nightmares there is always a light, a silver lining, a hope… It comes in many forms and often in the most unexpected places, events and situations.
It was well known by Erestor and Ereinion, as they were struggling to find their places and roles in the dying society and stay alive in the end of the First Age to the time beyond. Major Characters: Erestor Major Relationships: Genre: Adventure Challenges: Strangers in Strange Lands Rating: Teens Warnings: Character Death |
Chapters: 7 | Word Count: 22, 168 |
Posted on 22 June 2009 | Updated on 26 November 2009 |
This fanwork is a work in progress. |
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Table of Contents
Warning: death scene and detail in the middle of the chapter.
The first part of the three that I broke from the same chapter. When I was writing the conclution of the chapter, I found out that there were many unexplored parts in it, so I separated it into three pieces and tried to develop each further. Hope you'll like it.
Warning: not yet beta-read.
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