Adventures in Arda and Aman by Lferion

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Compelling Music

Written for the Silmarillion Writer's Guild January 2021 Resolutions challenge:
-- Day 17: And today's (January 17) comes from "Soundtrack":
The Selma March by Graham Green
On Spotify
On YouTube
-- Day 16: Bunn's Dwarves and Men Instadrabbles #3 -- On a visit to Rivendell, Lindir makes rude comments about the writing abilities of mortals! Educate him with 100 words (or more) about Men or Dwarves inspired by this image

On AO3

Lindir watched as the Dwarves moved to the music they were making. The music sat oddly in his ear, the rhythm a regular irregularity, an irregular regularity, with a melody of unexpected flights and digressions. The Dwarves who had come up from south of Khand were eagerly showing off for the Dwarves from Moria and Ered Luin, who all seemed very appreciative. Lindir had a least understood the mining-song, the strength of a roof-arch, the beauty of a well-constructed tunnel. It wasn't until he saw the twinkle in Elladan's eye that Lindir realized he was moving to the music himself.

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