Cosmological Poems of Arda by AaronAzrael

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Burzum to Me, You, Bloody Sauron!

When Annatar Crafted the Ring, I observed beyond his Eye and, amid all monstrosity, I felt only One thing that horrified me - the presence of another girl.

"Sauron?" I asked in doubt,
as it doubt has always been;
my intestines bloody shout
that there's one thing I've seen

in the Ring that you've inserted
One disgusting part of yourself
the essence of a girl that's perverted
but not In May Way, you shadowing elf.

It is everything that ruins my world
one chemical substance so girly
it just wants to smash me and hurt
my alchemy of everything - so surely.

I don't want to change you at all.
Not to purify you, or serious make your doom.
I can see behind your eyes without
sanity needed, you Orgullochchazar Kazadum.

I used to stare behind monstrosity blinding,
Maia wisdom and beyond your tongue.
Khajazgur drumblak drogoth-a ~shining
All Seeing Eye that gathered it, unsung.

But as I was wondering, in awe,
how you are always a step ahead,
I saw in the left a newly found law,
Maria's pressuring influence that spreads.

And I wonder... I wonder...
Without worrying about your ring's unreal blurs...
will our Own Love crack asunder...
Oh, Precious Sauron, shall I lose you - to her?

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