It Gives A Lovely Light (Drabble/Ficlet Collection) by oshun

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The Boy My Daughter Married

Jaiden asked for a drabble or ficlet with the prompt of “wicked.” At the time, I was re-reading Swordspoint and immediately remembered one of the citations Ellen Kushner used on its frontispiece:

“We all have our flaws,” he said, “and mine is being wicked.” –James Thurber, The Thirteen Clocks.”

If I had not already heard he was wicked, I would have known at first sight. He’s a surpassingly pretty boy, from a handsome family. Girls are drawn to the fine-looking ones. Nonetheless, something unpredictable lurks behind those flat, silver grey eyes. It’s impossible to fault his manners, all “yes, my lord,” and “please permit me, my lady.” One might say she could have hardly aimed higher, although there are too many brothers and cousins in front of him. Yet his father, the first prince among the Noldor, seems to favor the lad.

I do believe he loves her and it’s hard to deny one’s only daughter anything.  All else being equal, a girl is going to love the wicked boy over the good one. Her father and I decided to grant them our permission rather than drive her into his arms without it. Now we have a lovely grandson.

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