It Gives A Lovely Light (Drabble/Ficlet Collection) by oshun

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A Mother's Lament

Double drabble written from the point of view of Celebrimbor's mother.

I will never forget the last night I saw my son. Tyelperinquar had plopped himself onto to the dusty, cold marble floor of what had once been our home in Tirion. His face red and smeared with tears and soot, he squalled as his father moved back and forth across the room and around me, tossing seemingly random articles of clothing onto our bed. We had brought little that would be useful with us from Formenos and Curufinwë rummaged frantically in closets and cupboards long unexamined.

“Curvo, stop it! Listen to me. Look at me.” We both ignored the crying child.

“Are you going to say that you will come? If that is what you want to say I will listen. Otherwise, if you refuse to help me, at least get out of my way.” If I had guessed his father would actually take Tyelpo with him I could have scooped our child up into my arms and fled into the darkness. Instead I thought only of the loss of his father’s love. I might have hidden, perhaps delaying Curufinwë until he was forced to leave without my baby, my only son. I curse myself when I think of it.

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