It Gives A Lovely Light (Drabble/Ficlet Collection) by oshun
Fanwork Notes
Fanwork Information
Summary: Latest addition: "The Boy My Daughter Married," (featuring Curufin’s mother-in-law, Curufin/OFC, and a blink-and-you-will-miss-it reference to Celebrimbor). Chapters are added within chronological order of the events. A series of drabbles/ficlets: seeds of stories based upon characters and events from the Silmarillion. The title of the collection is taken from a line in a poem by Edna St. Vincent Millay, because it reminded me of the exiled Noldor, particularly, although not exclusively, the sons of Feanor: My candle burns at both ends;
Major Characters: Celebrimbor, Elrond, Elros, Fëanor, Gil-galad, Maedhros, Maglor, Mahtan, Nerdanel Major Relationships: Genre: Drama, General, Slash/Femslash Challenges: Forbidden Lore Rating: Adult Warnings: Mature Themes This fanwork belongs to the series |
Chapters: 10 | Word Count: 2, 608 |
Posted on 22 May 2007 | Updated on 11 February 2010 |
This fanwork is complete. |
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Table of Contents
A double drabble for Rhapsody: who asked for Mahtan as a father or husband. "My challenge to you is to concentrate on his daughter." Although I did not concentrate on his daughter, Mahtan does. To write you something about a father's concern for his daughter seemed appropriate right now.
(An actual true drabble from one prone to use too many words! -- 100 words.)
A little bit of comedy, starring Celegorm.
Maglor and his wife spend their first night in exile.
Written for the HASA “Anti-Valentine Day's Quickie Challenge.”
The conception of Celebrimbor
Jaiden asked for a drabble or ficlet with the prompt of “wicked.” At the time, I was re-reading Swordspoint and immediately remembered one of the citations Ellen Kushner used on its frontispiece:
“We all have our flaws,” he said, “and mine is being wicked.” –James Thurber, The Thirteen Clocks.”
Double drabble written from the point of view of Celebrimbor's mother.
Assuming that Maglor and Maedhros fostered Elrond and Elros together, wouldn’t raising the two boys have brought back painful memories of their early life and the younger brothers they had lost? (A double drabble.) Special to me because it was my first Silmarillion-based story.
Summary: After much soul-searching and review of canon sources, I decided to go with Fingon as Gil-Galad’s daddy. In keeping with my own canon (relating to my Maedhros and Fingon story arc) this piece contains slash and at least one implied threesome.
In response to the September '07 Silmarillion Writers Guild challenge for a story of forbidden lore. Also, must give credit to Keiliss for borrowing elements of the character of Elrond as a young adult from her lovely novel, Even Quicker Than Doubt.
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