Pictures at an Exhibition by Robinka

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An impish drabble, originally written for the challenge at "Drabble Madness": "Funny Names. Mablung of the Heavy Hand".

Thanks to NeumeIndil for beta-reading :)

He didn’t hear me. Sitting in the garden, shirtless, his pale skin sweat-damped, he made strange noises, entirely focused on the movements of his hand, up and down, up and down...

At first I didn’t realize what he was doing, but I blushed seeing the quivering muscles of his strong arm strain rhythmically. His breathing became heavier. I just stood behind him motionless, as if someone cast a spell on me.

And then it happened. He groaned with frustration and turned around. I noticed his embarrassment.

“My name suits me,” he hissed tossing a plane and his newly crafted, now broken, bow aside.

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