Pictures at an Exhibition by Robinka

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A drabble written for Hrymfaxe. The prompt was: Mablung (surprising! ;)) and “chilld”. I didn’t know whether Hrymfaxe meant “child” or “chilled”, so the drabble is about a chilled child.

As always, thank yous go to my dear Neume for her beta help.

"Here you are." The tall warden crouched amid the tangle of twigs and leaves, pushing them away from his sight. He smiled at the child. "I have finally found you."

"Beleg?" The boy reached out. Beleg lifted him and held close, absorbing the chills and warming the boy with his body. Taking the weight upon one arm, he drew his cloak over the tiny and shivering figure.

"You are cold," he said. "Why have you gone out to the woods, alone?"

"Father said I could not be a warden like you." The boy wept bitterly.

"You will be," Beleg promised. "You have my word."

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