Pictures at an Exhibition by Robinka

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Carpe Diem

A double-drabble this time. Thanks to Hrymfaxe for a quick beta :)


Fingers dig into the skin; adrift to implode they swing, hair unrestrained, mind out of control. Each chord of their muscles disrupts the harmony into which they have stoked themselves, but neither of them cares. Flourishing from soft moans at first, now the score takes on a crescendo, evermore conducting to the staccato of breaths and fervent touches. As they meet and part, vibrating in each other's hands, the world has become less than a blink of an eye when they give in, and then everything grows silent.

Reality breaks in with an unwanted note.

"It is too good to let you go."

Dust has a fascinating fragrance, especially when mingled with her unique scent that now, as Beleg closes his eyes and nestles his face in the curve of her neck, fills his nostrils with each labored intake of air. On the eve of departure that weaves like a spider's web, nothing makes lazier than an intense interlude with her. He still marvels at the flash that hit his pupils despite his closed eyelids. Heart to heart, their bodies warm one another, increasing the heat of the summer outside and the fever inside of them. May tomorrow never come.

Chapter End Notes

Carpe diem [Latin]: seize the day.

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