Many Journeys by Elleth

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The Pendant

Fëanor and Nerdanel's relationship, in three-sentence form. Expands on an idea from my fic "In-Betweens".

It begins with light, a pendant shining grey and copper fire that falls from his unfurling fist into her open palm, and lies there blazing, all sharp edges and a drop of blood that’s mended by a kiss.

That omen should have taught her, she thinks in the middle of their time, sighing over yet another time her belly swells and the forge door just slammed shut, leaving her on her own in the too-bright golden noonday garden where the pendant’s light is nigh-invisible.

But in the end she yearns back for that, brushing blood from her throat on the knuckles of her closed fist, where the pendant lies to sting her, blazing, as the procession of torches wends seaward - and she remains. 

Chapter End Notes

Written for Lorienscribe's prompt, Fëanor and Nerdanel - at any stage of their relationship. 

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