Many Journeys by Elleth

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Terrifying Stories

A brief, schmoopy curtain fic moment for Maedhros and Fingon, happily ever after. A drabble according to Open Office (even though it apparently went quite wrong this time).

They live together at the end of a grassy footpath winding away toward distant Tirion. Apart from crickets, and children playing on the village green, it could hardly be quieter - noises from behind closed doors remain private.

“They should remember who we are,” Maedhros says. “What we did for love. Loves.” Fingon chuckles and tries to kiss the earnestness away. Self-loathing has no place or reason here, not after Mandos, healing, and the immensity of fifty centuries since the Unrest. They have become folklore. 

When they sit on the green together, later, the children gather, and listening to the stories call them heroes.

Chapter End Notes

Written for Agelast's prompt, "I want people to tell their children terrifying stories about the things we do for love." And then something happened and it went all fluffy.

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