A Question of Loyalty
Celebrimbor pushed open the door to Gil-galad's study. The High King did not look up from the half empty plate of food in front of him immediately, but when he did Celebrimbor could see that his eyes were dark-circled and he looked exhausted as well as dirty. Celebrimbor hesitated. Perhaps he should have picked a better time...
"Yes?" said Gil-galad.
"Why did you not call on my people to help defend the Havens? We would have come. My lord," Celebrimbor added hastily.
A strand of hair fell across Gil-galad's face, and he pushed it back absently. "There was too little time to call for full muster: we got there too late as it was."
"You called on everyone else," Celebrimbor said. "At least do me the courtesy of giving me a straight answer."
"What would you have had me do? Could you have killed your uncles if I had called on you, and if we had gotten there in time? And with your lot wearing the Star of Feanor the same as Maedhros', how would I have stopped our allies from shooting you and your people by mistake? There has been enough slaying of kin by kin without more happening because we cannot tell friend from foe."
"If we are not allowed to prove our loyalty, how will we ever be accepted? We have suffered enough from prejudice even before this. However, I do see your point about the friendly fire problem. Perhaps I should change the background color on which the Star of Feanor rests."
"And I see your point about being seen to be loyal. I don't distrust your loyalty, Celebrimbor, but this was not the time for you to show it."
"The refugees won't even trust my folk to help set up emergency shelters for them now."
"Give them time. With the Silmaril gone, the sons of Feanor have no reason to attack anyone but Morgoth." Gil-galad shook his head. "There are times when I wish Beren and Luthien had never succeeded in retrieving it from Morgoth's crown."
"I wish that Elu Thingol had just let them get married in the first place. It would have saved everyone a lot of grief and anguish."
Gil-galad laughed slightly and passed his hand before his eyes. "You could put it that way, yes. Now, if you don't mind, I haven't slept in nearly four days and I'm going to bed. Can we save further discussion on this for later?"
"Certainly, my lord. If I had realized you had taken no rest since you returned I would not have bothered you." Celebrimbor bowed and left the High King to his unfinished dinner and overdue rest.