Before the Fall
Shortly after midnight, Celebrimbor walked up and down beside the wagons filled with equipment for the coming battle. He ticked off items on his mental list as he walked. Shovels, rope, hatchets, medical supplies, empty waterskins and full, food for horses, food for elves... he had checked it twice already, but he could not sleep and it would not do to be missing anything. He rubbed his eyes, wondering if he should go and try again to sleep.
"Celebrimbor?" said a voice behind him. He turned. It was Thorontir. "I see you can't sleep either," Thorontir said.
"True," said Celebrimbor. "I have checked these and checked them again..."
"I also checked them," said Thorontir. "Even Orodreth was here earlier." Thorontir looked at the floor and bit his lip. "I don't know about you, but I have a great sense of unease about this battle. The Mormegil's assertions aside, we are not strong enough to fight Morgoth alone and win. I keep thinking back to Finrod's words before he left. So far they have been all too accurate, and I fear the Fall of Nargothrond is almost upon us."
"I have little foresight, and in this matter none," said Celebrimbor. "Yet I share your unease, and not because of Finrod's words alone. We simply do not have the military strength present at the Nirnaith Arnoediad - and that was no victory. Also, anyone who calls himself 'the bloodstained son of ill-fate' is not likely to win a war." He paused for a moment, then added in a lower voice. "Even if he wins every battle but the one that matters most. I fear the morning."
"Why have you not spoken of this at Council?" said Thorontir. "Gwindor spoke alone."
"As Curufin's son, my advice is neither welcomed nor taken. Why did you not speak of it?"
"I hate the killing by stealth, the paranoia and the secrecy. At first, no price seemed too high to pay to end it. Against the darkness in the North we have no hope of victory save the Valar and they do not come. If we must die, I would rather die with honour than without. Yet now we stare death in the face, I am not so certain we do right."
"It is too late to change course now."
"I know. You should try and sleep. Arnil will have words for you if he hears you have not slept."
"True. He clucks like a mother hen. Anyone would think I were still a child of twenty." Celebrimbor grinned suddenly, the first smile he'd shown all that long night. "And you should go and say goodbye to your wife properly."
Thorontir laughed. "Sometimes you do act that young, my friend. Well... I shall see you again tomorrow, whatever it may bring."
Celebrimbor nodded. "Until tomorrow, farewell."