The Complaint of the Feanorian Women
The Ladies of House Feanor Wish to Register a Complaint...
Dear Professor Tolkien,
We the mothers, wives, and possibly daughters of house Feanor have a complaint we wish to make. With the sole exception of Nerdanel, we have been given neither names nor personalities. Yet we the wives of Caranthir, Curufin, and Maglor must exist because our husbands are married. Our potential daughters also should complain since they are unsure as to whether they exist or not. This is probably a most confusing state of affairs for them. Or possibly not, if they don't exist. They have terrible trouble making up minds that only exist in potential.
As for us, we are little better off. In addition to not having names, we have no fixed personalities, no fixed backgrounds, no fixed opinions, no fixed abode - in short, no fixed anything save the fact of our marriages into the House of Feanor.
We find this most unsatisfactory. Please, give us names and tell us who and what we are. If you will not, then we we shall be forced to rely on fan fiction writers and you might not like the results!
Sincerely yours,
the unknown women of House Feanor
Chapter End Notes
A/N: this fic was inspired by "An Open Letter to Tolkein", that was written on behalf of Gil-galad by Qinga. It seems to me that these women have even more to complain about than he does.
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