Tennis With An Elf and A Dwarf by Grundy, Raiyana

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A Letter From Menegroth

To my friend Hafli,

My apologies that my letter is so long in coming – couriers bound in your direction have been lacking of late now that the king deems his halls complete. I hope this letter finds you well! I trust the injuries you had here in Menegroth have healed, though I admit I am less familiar with how your folk heal than elves. Were you able to regain the use of the hand at the least?

How are your children? Did they remember you when you returned? I am sure the elder of the two must have, though I can see where the little one might have been too young when you came here from Belegost. They must be nearly grown by now, and if they are at all like you, they are coming on well in their chosen crafts!

I shall close here, lest I bore you with too many elvish notions at once. Though I do hope you are willing to correspond – I find I miss our talks.

In the hopes you and yours are prospering,


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