Tennis With An Elf and A Dwarf by Grundy, Raiyana

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A Surprised Elf Writes Back


Greetings Harðgreip daughter of Hafli,

I am very sorry to hear that my letter came too late for your father, though somewhat comforted by your notion that my good wishes were not so tardy. I am pleased that you and your family are flourishing.

 If you have heard anything of me from Hafli, you will know that I do not know a great deal about dwarves, only what I learned while your father and others of your kindred were here in Doriath, helping to build the king’s halls. So I will chance inadvertent offence by expressing my feelings on his return to Stone as I would to one of my own people – your sorrow is my sorrow as well.

It pains me to hear that he did not regain the full use of his hand or his legs, though it does not surprise me that it spurred him to new heights of creativity in his work. We elves are taught that no matter how evil may mar our beautiful world, Eru will turn whatever it attempts to the greater good. Your father certainly demonstrated that as often as he could.

As for your indebtedness, you need not worry – I did what anyone with the skills to help would have done. I only regret I did not have the knowledge to fully restore him, or better yet to prevent the accident in the first place. I’m afraid it will be cold comfort to hear that we have instituted a system to guard against such accidents - two ropes for safety, as we found to our dismay and your father’s misfortune that one can be severed through ill chance or foolishness.

Perhaps you would be so kind as to send me a sketch of one of these wheeled chairs your father invented? (If you do not sketch yourself, perhaps you could prevail upon your sibling?) Such a thing is not known here, and I should very much like to see it. Were these not such perilous times, I would venture to Belegost myself to see one with my own eyes. But between our old enemies the orcs and these newcomers from the West, I do not think it wise to venture beyond the borders at present.

With best wishes,


Addendum – If you will permit an elf one question that may be impertinent? How is your name spoken? I am not familiar with ð, we have no such letter here. Or is this a question that must be answered aloud?

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