Tennis With An Elf and A Dwarf by Grundy, Raiyana

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Elf Confirms The Plan To Meet


Dear Harga,

I might have known Lord Eöl would have a dwarvish name, he has been a dwarf friend since before the King’s halls were even begun. Though I did not ‘get’ him to play mailcarrier -he offered when he heard I was looking to send a message. I believe he was somewhat pleased to find another elf keeping up friendship with your people. (And your letter arrived without any meddling, worry not!)

I am not entirely sure what his wife knows of smithing, though she is of the folk from the West, who are said to have many smiths among them. I am afraid I cannot tell much of her from my own observation, as I have yet to meet her – though my neighbors assure me it is only a matter of time. She often roams these woods when a restless mood strikes her.

But I think she will like the pot – I do not see how she could not. Lord Eöl was kind enough to show it to me, as he was aware I knew of them but had not seen one. It is magnificent! (Quite beyond my mended pot, though I am still very fond of it. You improved on the idea immensely!) He was very complimentary about both your work and your workshop.

As your friend, I would be remiss not to mention that should you wish to broaden the market for your goods, you would have a number of buyers in these parts. Between what I have said, Lord Eöl’s good opinion, and the glimpses of your work people have had, you already have an established reputation here.

I shall look for you in Thargelion in the spring! I am assured that while it is slightly farther for me than for you, it is also not a difficult or unpleasant journey. At least, not so long as it is not undertaken in the depths of winter. Few make the journey regularly – I am sure you are aware of the king’s opinion of the elves from the West – but Lord Eöl certainly does not object. (And anyway, he cannot be so strongly against them, or at least not all of them – his wife is said to be kin to the West-elf who holds Thargelion, and his brothers further north. Perhaps by the time I see you, I will have met her and be able to say more.)

I am sending this letter with the shipment of wood bound to your city, in the hopes that it reaches you before we both set out – but I expect to receive your reply in person.

Wishing you safe travels,


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