Mereth Aderthad by chrissystriped

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Chapter One

Maedhros could see the light blush on his king’s cheeks and smiled to himself when he bowed to him. Nolofinwe didn’t let show anything else and he doubted that anyone but him had noticed, but he knew what the High King of the Noldor was hiding under his stately robes. Maedhros felt himself grow hard at the thought. He could barely wait to finally have Nolofinwe to himself.

Nolofinwe asked Makalaure and him to rise. “Prince Maedhros, Prince Makalaure, I’m happy to be able to welcome you here.”

Maedhros could see his eyes move to his prosthesis. He hadn’t written about it and now was not the time to explain.

“We thank you for your invitation, Your Majesty. I regret that my other brothers couldn’t make it. Someone has to keep watch.”

It was only half of the truth. Curufinwe and Tyelkormo had been happy to keep guard if it meant to not have to see their unloved relations –- and not have to bow to Nolofinwe. Carnistir had outright refused to leave his fortress because he was in negotiations with the Khazâd that he couldn’t delay. Ambarussa had vanished into the woods of Ossiriand without a trace. Maedhros was worried for his little brother. Not for his physical welfare, Ambarussa had friends among the Laiquendi and spoke their language well, but since Ambarto’s death he’d become a little... strange. At first he had clung to Tyelperinquar as if he wanted to fill the hole his twin had left, but then he had started to draw in on himself –- Maedhros had often found him talking to himself. He didn’t know what to think of that. Yes, there were stories about housless fear who hadn’t followed Mandos’s call, but could it really be that Ambarto had chosen this way?

Maedhros pulled himself back to the present. Nolofinwe had answered with a few understanding words.

“You have travelled a long way, rest and refresh yourselves. The rest of the family already arrived, we want to take to opportunity to have dinner together, before we travel on to the place where we meet the other guests. Will you come?”

“It’s going to be a pleasure to meet our family again.” It sounded stiff, they were in the throne room of Barad Eithel and had to play their roles, but Maedhros meant it. He’d already met Findekáno, his friend had ridden the last of the road with him, but he hoped to be able to speak with him more while this festival lasted.

Maedhros winked at Nolofinwe when they withdrew. After dinner... Nolofinwe’s cheeks blushed a little more.


Maedhros had slipped him a message when dessert had been served: ‘Expect me at midnight.’

They had had a long and cheerful dinner and talked afterwards, drinking honey wine and liqueur made of wood berries. Nolofinwe had made sure not to drink too much and Maedhros had held back, too. The alcohol mustn’t impair their judgement. It had been nice to have all his children together for once. They would ride to Eithel Ivrin together, where the feast would take place, and Maedhros and Makalaure would ride with them.

Nolofinwe divested himself of his robe and pulled the plug out to oil it before inserting it again, he wanted to be ready for his prince. He took a trembling breath when a shiver of pleasure coursed through his body and his cock strained painfully against its prison. Nolofinwe opened his braids with shaky fingers. He longed so much for his prince and now that it was almost time, he could barely wait.

Maedhros slipped silently through the door and grinned when he saw him naked. Nolofinwe went to his knees.

“Prince Nelyafinwe”, he whispered.

“Good evening, Your Majesty”, Maedhros said with a smirk and caressed his cheek. “Are you ready for me?”

Nolofinwe noticed that he didn’t wear the prosthesis now. “I am, my prince.” He leaned into the touch.

“My núro... how much I missed you.”

“I missed you, too, my prince.” Nolofinwe turned his head and kissed his palm.

“Let us start slowly, get used to each other again.” Nelyafinwe nodded in the direction of his vanity. “Sit. Let me comb your hair.”

Nolofinwe stifled a moan when he sat down and squirmed a little until the position of the plug was endurable.

“Hold still”, Nelyafinwe said with an indulgent smile and reached for the brush.

It was a nice feeling to be combed, the sound of the brush relaxing. Nelyafinwe smiled at him in the mirror.

“I waited so long for this, my núro”, he said with soft voice. “I’ll enjoy this night so much. First, I’ll take off the cage.” His stump slid between Nolofinwe’s legs and he took a trembling breath. “But don’t think that means you are allowed to come.” Nelyafinwe kissed his ear. “You’re going to beg for it tonight, my núro. I want to hear you plead for your release.”

Nolofinwe arched his back when his teeth dug into the crook of his neck. His prince sucked at the caught skin and when he moved back, a red mark glowed on his skin.

“I’ll mark you, núro. I’ll mark you as my own.”

Nolofinwe whimpered when his cock tried again to stiffen in its cage. His prince put aside the brush and kissed his crown.

“Let’s get rid of the plug”, he said gently. “My good boy. Bow forward.”

Nolofinwe braced himself on the vanity with his arms and spread his legs.

“You wore it the whole day?”, his prince asked and pushed his finger against the base. Nolofinwe whimpered with pleasure.

“Yes, my prince.”

“You prepared yourself slowly for this? I wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself. You know that, don’t you?”

“Yes, my prince.” Nolofinwe gasped for breath. “I... I trained myself.”


Nelyafinwe kissed his shoulder and slowly worked the plug out.


Maedhros spread Nolofinwe’s cheeks with thumb and forefinger.

“You look so good, open and read for me”, he hummed and let his hand slide lower to the clasp of the cage. “You’ll be a good boy and wait for my permission to come, won’t you?”

“Yes, my prince”, Nolofinwe croaked.

He groaned loudly when Maedhros freed him of the cage and his cock hardened immediately. Maedhros wrapped his fingers around him and felt him tense. It felt so good to have him in his hand! He stroked the hot, velvety skin, enjoying Nolofinwe’s aroused whimpers.

“Lie down on the bed, núro”, he whispered into his ear and flicked the tip with his tongue.

Nolofinwe lay down on his front, his legs spread wide and Maedhros smiled.

“Turn on your back and cross your wrists above the head.”

As Nolofinwe obeyed, Maedhros fetched a rope from the satchel he had brought. He’d practiced to tie knots, but it was different to do this on a person. His hand trembled a little when he wrapped the rope around Nolofinwe’s wrists. It would have been easier with the prosthesis, but he didn’t want to wear it in bed, the metal was cold and hard – and Nolofinwe liked his stump.

Nolofinwe didn’t move as he tied his hands to the headboard, Maedhros kissed his fingers. In his darker moments he had worried that he’d just imagined it all, that Nolofinwe would shrink away after their separation, but with every moment they spent together, those thoughts vanished a little more.

He stood up and undressed slowly, let Nolofinwe see his scars precisely because he felt a little insecure. Nolofinwe’s eyes were dark with desire and Maedhros relaxed a little more. He crawled on the bed and held the stump to Nolofinwe’s lips who kissed it, his tongue darting out to trace the scars. Maedhros shuddered, his cock filling. He had to ease back in his role, he wanted to do so many things to him, but today he wanted to go slow.

He bowed forward to kiss Nolofinwe gently, then let his lips wander lower and sucked another bruise under Nolofinwe’s skin –- his núro would need a high collar tomorrow –- before turning his attention to his nipples, licking and sucking while his hand slid down Nolofinwe’s body. Maedhros listened to his gasps and moans, felt his body tense when he bit into the tender nub. His fingers teased Nolofinwe’s entrance and his núro spread his legs wider.

Maedhros grinned against his chest and slid two fingers inside, moving them slowly. Nolofinwe moaned and shuddered. Maedhros gave his nipples some rest and sucked another bruise into the skin above his collarbone while moving his fingers deeper. Nolofinwe cried out when he found that sensitive spot inside him, he breathed heavily, his body trembling, Maedhros knew that he was close –- and pulled back.

“Not yet, núro”, he said with a gentle smile.

Nolofinwe whimpered, squeezing his eyes shut. Maedhros caressed his skin with his stump for a while until he was sure that Nolofinwe wouldn’t come immediately. Then his lips descended on Nolofinwe’s skin again, his fingers entered him. His moans were like music in Maedhros’s ears, he was hard too and longed to bury himself inside him, but he’d be patient. He wanted to make him beg, wanted him to cry with want. He wanted to leave more marks on his skin.


Nolofinwe sobbed, straining against his bonds. He was so hard it hurt. His prince had just brought him to the brink again before pulling back.

“Please”, he gasped desperately. “Please, my prince, I need...”

“Oh, you need?”

Nelyafinwe smiled teasingly and nibbled at the inside of his thigh, where he’d already left some more bruises. Nolofinwe’s neck and chest were covered in marks, too. A hot shiver ran through his body as he thought how claimed he must look. Nolofinwe whimpered, he was so close. Nelyafinwe bowed over him, scrutinizing him.

“How pretty you are. Completely undone, weeping with want.” He kissed his tearstained cheek. “You may”, he murmured against his lips and slid his fingers back inside him, moving them in just the right way.

Nolofinwe saw stars, his body shuddered as he came over his stomach and chest, he heard himself cry out. Nelyafinwe nibbled at his lower lip while he came down from his orgasm.

“Mmm”, Nolofinwe hummed. “May I pleasure my prince?”

Nelyafinwe grinned at him. “You may, núro.”

He sat up, straddling his chest and leading his cock to his lips. Nolofinwe darted his tongue out to taste the drop of liquid forming in the slit. He lifted his head to take him in and Nelyafinwe cradled his head in his hand to ease the strain on his neck. He slowly rocked his hips while Nolofinwe sucked gently.

“Yes, núro”, he whispered. “Like this.”

Nolofinwe relaxed his throat as he slid deeper, letting him fuck his throat. Enjoying to please him, enjoying to be used.

“You’re doing so well.” Nelyafinwe moaned, his motions becoming quicker, jerkier when he drew closer. His hand gripped his nape when he came, flooding Nolofinwe’s mouth with his salty taste.

Nelyafinwe laid down beside him and pulled him close, opening the bonds with a tug. Nolofinwe returned his embrace, caressing his back.

“Stay a little longer”, he asked although Maedhros didn’t make a move to get up. He wanted to show him that he wanted him here.

“With pleasure.”

Nolofinwe let his hand slide down Maedhros’s right arm and hesitated as he reached a hole that hadn’t been there when he’d seen him last.

“I hope you don’t mind”, Maedhros said with a tone in his voice that told Nolofinwe he was afraid of being rejected.

“Of course not. What is it?”

“It’s for my prosthesis. There’s a pin made of a boar’s tooth that goes through it. This way I can move the fingers of the prosthesis with my remaining muscles. It takes practise. I’m still a little clumsy and my shoulder hurts, if I wear it for too long, but it makes life a lot easier. I’m very grateful to the Khazâd. They have more experience with losing appendages than we do. Curufin insisted on making the prosthesis after their schemes.” Maedhros smiled wryly. “He saw it as a matter of honour. But the surgeries and the fitting was done by the Khazâd. They are magnificent surgeons. I think, our people could learn a lot from each other, if we manage to win their trust. They are very wary of elves.”

“I’m glad relations are good enough that they helped you with the prosthesis. It looks good, though I hope you don’t think you have to wear it for my sake.”

Nolofinwe pressed a kiss to the new scars on Maedhros’s skin.

“I know, and that’s the greatest gift you could have made me”, answered Maedhros. “Thank you.”

Chapter End Notes

The way Maedhros's prosthesis works is inspired by the Sauerbruch arm. (I looked at way too many pictures for this...)

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