Fraiwen's Flowering by Anérea

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Fanwork Notes

Fraiwen is the daughter of Saifreth and Ahwë who met in the first piece in this series, Entwined. Her name is derived from the Gothic fraihwa meaning seed and wens meaning hope, and she's about five years old here.

Fanwork Information


First Age 122: in the foothills of the Orocani Mountains—west of Hildórien and far, far east of Beleriand
A little girl discovers a little of her own magic.

(The second in my Hildórien to Beleriand series exploring the early life of the Edain ancestors.)

Major Characters: Original Character(s), Original Female Character(s), Maiar, Men

Major Relationships:

Genre: Ficlet, General, Poetry


Rating: General


This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 159
Posted on 31 December 2021 Updated on 31 December 2021

This fanwork is complete.

Fraiwen's Flowering

Fraiwen sprang to life entirely thanks to CateWolfe's vividly coloured imaginative art titled Impression of a Leaf.

Impression of a Leaf - artwiork by CateWolfe


Read Fraiwen's Flowering

Clutching the seed in her tiny hand
Fraiwen lets her eyes close to the sunlight.

She has heard it before,
the song of sunlight and water
sung by her leafy friends;
seen the song-colours flow
through their leaves, through their stems,
felt the unhasty pulse of roots’ heartbeat.

Today, with eyes gently shut
and sun’s warmth on her skin,
she sings her own song of growth.
Mingling sunlight with water
it flows through her veins,
hers red to plants’ green yet the same.

And this time she feels
the texture of song:
tiny tickles through hairs on her head.
Song-lines converge in her hands,
until up through her feet
creeps soil’s connective chorus.

Climbing into her hand,
curling up with the seed,
crooning, she feels it pulse.
Enveloped in song she feels it grow,
growing green, growing long, growing leaves...

Unfurling her fingers she opens her eyes
and there, in her hand, her first flower.

Chapter End Notes

Being the daughter of a woman and a water maia she naturally experiences the world a bit differently to other mortals, although—having had no other frame of reference—as far as she's concerned it's completely normal. (That it might not be common to everyone simply hasn't occurred to her, nor to anyone else, but that's another part of the story.) She's most notably synaesthetic and has also inherited her father’s affinity for water and some form of his powers. Here she's making her first discovery of what’s possible with her as-yet unknown innate powers...


Written for Scribbles & Drabbles and the Tolkien Short Fanworks prompt: first flower; piece that comes full circle.

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