Shadow's Instadrabbles by daughterofshadows

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Sky full of Stars

Instadrabbling Session 18.01.2025

Prompt: A sky full of stars (Music of the Ainur Potluck Bingo Card), Only Starlight (Holiday Party)

Eärendil looks up at the stars.

Rated: General

At night, Eärendil often lies down on the deck of the Vingilot and just stares at the sky. He wonders whether his parents are looking up at that same sky right now, wherever they are, whether Elwing does the same back in the Havens.

Will he one day teach his sons to recognise the constellations like his father taught him?

When he is alone with the night sky, he feels as endless as the stars above him.

It is strange to look up at the stars, when you yourself are considered one, but sometimes, Eärendil still lies down on the deck and stares at the sky. It still feels endless, and he is grateful that some things never change.

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