Shadow's Instadrabbles by daughterofshadows

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From darkness we emerge anew

Instadrabbling session: 18.01.2025

Prompt: A picture of a fireweed in a desolated forest (Restoration & Rebuilding), Earth (Material Worlds Potluck Bingo Card)

Tauriel and the aftermath of the breaking of Dol Guldur.

Rated: General

Dol Guldur is gone, the fortress reduced to rubble, the orcs dead and the land can finally begin to heal.

It will be a long time before all the damage can be fully undone, but it will happen. The forest is resilient, Tauriel knows, and they will care for it as best they can while it recovers.

Someone calls her, and she turns around. The air feels lighter than it ever has in Tauriel’s memories.

Beriathal waves her over and she goes to join them. They point at the ground.

“Look! It has been barely a few days since the darkness broke, and already, the first signs of life return.”

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